4 posts tagged with ssl and security.
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MetaFilter is moving to https as a default
A week from now, we'll be updating MetaFilter to always serve https pages instead of http! You most likely don't need to care at all that this is happening, but I'll explain what it means below. Come on in! [more inside]
Is it possible to request a 'Force SSL' option in the User Preferences?
The EFF offers HTTPS Anywhere, but it's not available for all browser, and fails on some script calls.
As a feature this would be amazing. Thank you!
Heartbleed SLL bug vulnerability
I've got the Chrome addon for the Heartbleed server test site and it's just given me a message saying that metafilter.com is vulnerable to the Heartbleed SSL bug. More information about the bug.
SSL for Metafilter
I've been spending lots of time on wireless networks lately, so I finally up and got an SSL certificate for MetaFilter. Enjoy. Eventually I'll try to get all the user/pass pages going through https:// to make the site more secure.