4 posts tagged with subdomain and pony.
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Can I suggest 'reviews.metafilter.com'? [more inside]
posted by feelinglistless on Jun 3, 2006 - 42 comments

politics subdomain

Not so much a feature-request as (I hope) a new twist on an old discussion. five_fresh_fish off-the-cuffed something in the "dhoyt" thread that got me thinking: What about poli.metafilter.com? It would address the problem that I think most people really have with "newsfilter", and it could be a way to leech off poisons from "the blue". (Hoping this doesn't derail into venom-swamp, and voting for purple...]
posted by lodurr on Nov 17, 2005 - 122 comments

Proposal: MetaSoapbox.

Proposal: MetaSoapbox.

It seems that there's a lot of angsty energy being expended trying to keep people from using the blue, and even more so askmefi and metatalk, to get their polemical selves all wound up, announcing their latest charge-the-windmill initiatives, etc., etc. , etc.

While this all for the good, I can't help but think that there's often nothing better on the Internet than a good polemic, particularly a funny or provocative one, and no better place for it than here, where it's not all preaching to the choir.

I know that some people might say "that's what your own damn blog is for" but knowing that a stupid or impetuous soapbox effort will be laughed down (or, worse, ignored) can motivate and discipline a lot higher quality product than a typical blog.

And I'm not really thinking of politics as the exclusive subject, either. Lots of other subjects. All of you who labor in anonymity, striving to promote your Rant and Rave to Best of Craigslist, here's your chance to shine!
posted by MattD on Jul 19, 2005 - 25 comments

Product review subsection

As a consumer, I've had a few very good and very bad experiences with service providers, recently. It'd be great if MetaFilter had a subsection to share these experiences to help the community share the joy and avoid the pain. Reviewing products and services where more people will see them is great way to improve services for everyone, and would have the potential for greater effect than discussing these things on our own weblogs. Perhaps this would be another way to harness the community positively in the way Ask MetaFilter has. How about it?
posted by nthdegx on May 21, 2005 - 32 comments

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