17 posts tagged with tag and tags.
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Post tags and deadnames
I posted Daniel Mallory Ortberg’s latest instalment of his ongoing serial fic. When tagging the post, I was conflicted about tagging it with his deadname (which is “Mallory Ortberg”. Two questions:
1) on a technical level, will tagging with his full name link up with older posts tagged with his deadname, since the latter is included in the former? He’s the same author, and that continuity of work seems valuable.
2) on a trans-etiquette level, is this shitty and equivalent to deadnaming? (I’m more interested in hearing what trans folks have to say on this one.)
I ended up tagging the post with his name and his deadname but I’m questioning that.
A tag-searhc Pony
Sometimes people misspell their tags on posts. An example: this old post of mine which I tagged with bobbygentry instead of bobbiegentry. (I’ve since fixed this.) Right now, when you search by tag you get back a list of matching tags and tags that contain your search as a substring. I think it would be helpful if we also returned a list of results that have similar spellings in case the post you’re trying to find has a tag typo.
unique distinct idiosyncratic peculiar
I've noticed that I use a pair of tags for my front page posts that no other or only a few other posters use. Doing some digging, I've found a few unique or highly limited tags. Do you know of any more? [more inside]
How do you decide which tags to include?
When constructing FPPs for the blue, how do you determine which tags to use? Nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, things that appear in your post, things that don't appear in your post, number of tags? I'm rarely ... no, never ... happy with the tags I assign to a post and wonder if they are rubbish, and future readers interested in the subject will never find it because of insufficient tagging, or readers not interested in the post will come across it because of vague or overdone tagging. Reminded of this issue when looking at, and admiring, the (IMHO) beautifully contextual and comprehensive tagging that has gone into that post. [more inside]
Unpopular Tags
The page Popular tags on MetaFilter has a list of the 150 most-used tags. What about the least-used tags? Is there a list of tags that have only been used once? What about a list of tags only used by one user?
Also, I would like an inter-engine fermentation system.
We have clouds for the top 150 tags posted to Mefi, Music, Meta, Jobs, IRL and Ask. We can see the top ten tags we've used listed on user profiles. Would it be possible to view all tags (or a greater subset than 'top ten') for individual users, either in a list or cloud form? [more inside]
Two new tags: Updated and ReAsk
Let's create two new special tags for AskMe: Updated and ReAsk [more inside]
A tiny, corralled pony
Can we mobile users have more HTML composition buttons? [more inside]
Simpson AND Homer AND NOT O.J. AND NOT Ashley
Pony filter: Combine tags so as to EXCLUDE questions that have some specified tag. [more inside]
Boolean Tag Searching and Tag Redundancy
Pony/suggestion: What about being able to browse posts by multiple tags, but with OR as opposed to merely AND. This would mostly be to combat tag redundancy, but could also be useful in general. [more inside]
Bad Tags
Do you use tags to search MeFi? [more inside]
Indexing tags for search
Small pony: MeFi search doesn't index tags. [more inside]
tag = tags
Can a tag search for "thing" also return "things"? [more inside]
Could we get a spoiler tag?
Could we get a <spoiler> tag?
New tag suggestion method
What's the best way to suggest a new tag for an existing post? E-mailing or IMing jessamyn? The original poster? Or should I just not worry about it? I can just keep a mark of it in my own del.icio.us, but that doesn't help anyone else who wants to search the same thing.
Post-post tag alteration?
Is there a way to alter the tags once a post has been made? I posted this with the tags "new orleans jazz funeral" and in hindsight, New Orleans and jazz funeral are single entities. Should they have an underscore? Should there be a way to group them? Suggestions?
MeFi tag list down?
The list of MeFi-tags seems to be down. Anyone got a copy?