5 posts tagged with thanksgiving and thanks.
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It's Thanksgiving in America, a day to give thanks, spend time with family, friends, & loved ones and share a warm meal. 2018 has not always been the most easy of years to live through, I thought it'd be nice to have a place to share thanks, to acknowledge that we made it another year on this planet, that we did it together. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my partner, and all of you. I'm thankful that MetaFilter exists. Cheers.
posted by Fizz on Nov 22, 2018 - 69 comments


Happy Thanktoberfest! What's Thanktoberfest? It's a holiday that, like actual Oktoberfest, has only the loosest relation to October. Thanktoberfest runs from Canadian Thanksgiving through American Thanksgiving, and we encourage you to focus on things you're thankful for -- making posts about awesome things you're grateful exist, thanking other mefites for their awesomeness, and just generally spreading good vibes and gratitude all around the site. Tag your posts thanktoberfest and we'll have some thankfulness metatalks and at the end of Thanktoberfest we'll have a big thanking post where we all thank each other for our favorite Thanktoberfest posts!
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Oct 8, 2018 - 5 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's topic: What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year.
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Nov 18, 2017 - 98 comments

The Giving of the Thanks

American Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I thought this would be a good time to (turkey!) trot out some thanking and maybe even some giving. [more inside]
posted by cooker girl on Nov 26, 2014 - 104 comments

I owe you all

This is a callout. I accuse each and every one of you of being awesome. [more inside]
posted by pjern on Aug 5, 2009 - 98 comments

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