4 posts tagged with thankyou and mefi.
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MeFi Fundraising Update

I wanted to thank you all for your generosity in helping MeFi’s future stability and also give some big updates on where we are with the impromptu fundraising efforts over the last couple weeks. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 2, 2014 - 319 comments

Help Fund MetaFilter

We've set up an official fundraising/​contributing/​support page here, and are now tracking the number of people signing on as monthly supporters. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 21, 2014 - 1120 comments

I recently posted my 100th FPP in the blue.

I recently posted my 100th FPP in the blue. (But didn't even notice at the time!) Now this probably isn't much compared to some others, but I've been using MeFi for what seems like forever, so I just thought I'd take a moment to say thanks to Matt and the other admin guys, and to everyone else who makes MeFi a great place - since it isn't often we get positive posts in the grey.
Thanks, MeFi!
posted by Mwongozi on Nov 1, 2005 - 48 comments

Thanks for the Katrina coverage!

I don't know if this is really an appropriate thread to post, but I feel like it has to be said: a big thank you to the Metafilter community for some really fantastic coverage and discussion on Katrina and its wake. Even though at times it may be biased, uncivil, inane and (of course) newsfilter (KatrinaFilter?), the articles and fantastic range of opinions expressed are truly awesome. My life is richer for having discovered this place. So again, thank you all.

And though a lot of MeFites cringe whenever I say it, this is NPR truly the best of the web.
posted by joshuaconner on Sep 5, 2005 - 40 comments

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