7 posts tagged with weblog and blog.
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A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users
User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
Recommend a free weblog site
Request for opinions: What free weblog site would you recommend?
Page of all user weblogs?
hey, remember when matt when on vacation and he posted a list of all the sites of all the users?
does that page still exist?
does that page still exist?
Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs?
Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs? Was it ever? It seems a bit staid and badly classified. The last category, for instance. is a mess. Yet, for rookies like me, it delivers.
So does anyone know of a better, more critical and more up-to-date one-step guide or portal, that cuts out the dross and concentrates on what's good?
So does anyone know of a better, more critical and more up-to-date one-step guide or portal, that cuts out the dross and concentrates on what's good?
Self-promotion on weblogs
Winer's weblog down temporarily to plug new product. I was quite surprised to see the weblog gone.. and a product ad in my face.
Since it's his work and his site, it's fine ;-) But it made me think.. is there such a thing as a weblog becoming too self-promotional? Or is this a perfect use for weblogs in a society where we're all screaming for attention?
Since it's his work and his site, it's fine ;-) But it made me think.. is there such a thing as a weblog becoming too self-promotional? Or is this a perfect use for weblogs in a society where we're all screaming for attention?
Micro advertising
Micro Advertising - a way to make niche internet publishing profitable?: "It's all about targeted micro buys of advertising space - the old principle of getting the right message in front of the right group of people. Buying 10,000 impressions of your message in front of a very targeted audience for a low fee. " Thomas has created a Yahoo group to hash out the issues further, if anyone's interested.
Fare thee well old chap
Jack Saturn is taking his discussion list down after two years of active posting, at least partly because of inflammatory posts over the last two days. (More inside...)