7 posts tagged with writing and writers.
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You just didn't understand what I was going for . . .

Is there some sort of active MeFi writers group? If yes, how could one be initiated? If not, can there be? [more inside]
posted by Think_Long on Dec 12, 2012 - 14 comments

MeFi Writing Group

There have been at least two previous MeFi writers' groups but there is not one now. Is anyone interested in forming one? [more inside]
posted by paduasoy on Jun 26, 2011 - 37 comments

Metafilter on writing

Learning how others write stories has been interesting. Hats off to all who contributed!
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jun 24, 2010 - 13 comments

[Two] Million Monkeys

I hereby propose a second Metafilter Writers Collaboration. [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on Oct 29, 2009 - 112 comments

Announcing the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology!

Announcing the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology! Previously suggested by Effigy2000, the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology is a chance for all us writer-type or vaguely-writer-type Mefites to get together and write write write! We'll be taking a "Thieves' World" approach to our writing with each story in the Anthology taking place in a setting first posited by Mefi's Own L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg and then fleshed out by himself and members of the Mefi community. All who are interested are encouraged to join in! [more inside]
posted by robocop is bleeding on Jan 7, 2008 - 166 comments

Metafilter Writer's Group on Vox

The Metafilter Writer's Group: the Vox edition. (more inside).
posted by empath on Oct 13, 2006 - 15 comments

Is the Metafilter writer's group dead?

I guess the Metafilter writer's group is dead? I don't see any updates from the past two months.
posted by empath on Oct 9, 2006 - 66 comments

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