Milwaukee/Chicago meetup September 12, 2001 1:25 PM   Subscribe

For those in the Milwaukee and Chicago areas looking for some food and fun tomorrow, a fair number of web-dev types from are getting together for the End of Summer Bar-bE-volt 2001 grillout.

There is a good amount of crossover in membership between evolt and mefi, so hopefully this isn't too out there for this forum. Basically, its a get together for web-developer types to hang out, gossip about the industry, and have a good time :) Also, in light of the events of the week, we thought it would be a nice idea to get together with friends to talk about it and try to return to normalcy a bit.
More information can be found here (RSVP in the comments section if you're bringing a dish), and mefi'ers in the area all are encouraged to come!
posted by djc to General Weblog-Related at 1:25 PM

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