Posts in the MetaFilter Gatherings Category.
Displaying 31 through 40 (of 2234)
November 11, 2014
FACT: Cookies baked by the internet taste better than other cookies!
The annual Metafilter Holiday Cookie Swap: signups have begun! [more inside]
November 27, 2013
Surprise! Thanks, Secret Quonsar!
A mysterious box arrived in the mail today... [more inside]
October 14, 2013
When in Rome, meetup as Romans meetup 20-21? oct 2013
Trying to organize a quick meetup for 20-21 October! Calling all Mefites in Rome! [more inside]
February 28, 2013
September 21, 2010
Meet me between the PRT and the DFAC
OEF Meetup? [more inside]
August 4, 2010
MeFites playing StarCraft II?
MeFites playing StarCraft II? I'm looking for friends for multiplayer shenanigans. [more inside]
August 3, 2010
Free comix related thingie
Are other Minnesotans planning on going to Indie Xpo (warning: auto-starting video embedded) on the 21st (at the Soap Factory in Mini-apple-ous)? [more inside]
July 31, 2010
DC Meetup again?
I am going to DC this week. I have read there was a meet up around the 4th. Yet I'll ask anyway: anyone up for meeting up on this semi-special occasion? [more inside]
July 30, 2010
You are here, part II
Attention residents of Davis, CA. You have outed yourselves. Why haven't we ever had a meetup? [more inside]
Slogging On the Road
I'm not the only one reading On the Road for the MeCha discussion starting August 16, am I? Now that we voted, and I lost, hope all you victors in our poll, and maybe some of the rest of us who were in the minority, are plugging away at this book. [more inside]
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