6 posts tagged with Arizona and meetup.
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Arizona getaway, getaway...

Phoenix AZ meetup on Wednesday the 21st? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Apr 18, 2010 - 27 comments

Arizona Meetup?

Tucson or Nogales area meetup on Monday, Dec 22nd? [more inside]
posted by pjern on Dec 18, 2008 - 10 comments

Stood up at the meetup?

What happened, Tucson? [more inside]
posted by crinklebat on Sep 6, 2007 - 28 comments

Phoenix, finalized

BUMP: Phoenix Meetup. Tuesday, June 12, Los Dos Molinos at 7pm. Come and help me celebrate my birthday early!
posted by Eideteker on Jun 8, 2007 - 6 comments

AZ meetup

Another Phoenix-area meetup: Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) [more inside]
posted by mullacc on May 20, 2007 - 5 comments

Phoenix Meetup

Phoenix meetup? [more inside]
posted by mr_crash_davis on Mar 28, 2006 - 35 comments

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