6 posts tagged with Blues.
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flapjax at the Oxford American

I was delighted to see mefi's own flapjax at midnite--aka Samm Bennett--make a walk-on appearance in an article about blues music in Japan, in the Winter 2016 edition of The Oxford American.
posted by sandettie light vessel automatic on Jan 9, 2017 - 12 comments

Finding an AskMe re kids' post-holiday blues

I seem to remember reading an AskMe two or three years ago (though the question may have been older) where the asker described their child (daughter?) acting sort of ungrateful after Christmas, complaining that there weren't enough gifts, etc. One of the answers suggested that the child didn't really want more gifts, but was just feeling some post-holiday letdown, and offered some suggestions for dealing with that. [more inside]
posted by Paul the Octopus on Dec 30, 2014 - 2 comments

A pun is its own reword

The first time the expression "on the blue" was used as a euphemism for appearing on the front page of MetaFilter was coined by turaho fittingly when Nina Simone died.
posted by wcfields on Sep 16, 2009 - 59 comments

Son Or Shamefully Electrified Corpse of Son of MetaFilter Mini Meet Up Now With Live Vintage Blues at the Marco Polo in Georgetown

Well, after a hiatus of some months, on Saturday, February 28th, at 8 PM, the Phantoms of Soul return to the Marco Polo Saloon in beautiful downtown Georgetown, as in Seattle. And, as once proposed and well linked, and well and Tube attended, here and here, I renew the proposal that we meet up there and then and yak and drink and eat and laugh and so on. Maybe even dance to the Mardis Gras Mambo. [more inside]
posted by y2karl on Feb 9, 2009 - 50 comments

Awesome was the post -- skilled was the poster

We're not worthy! Superlative post, y2karl.
posted by loquacious on Sep 15, 2005 - 36 comments

Blues, military and history

A minor emendation: "others."

That is all.
posted by adamgreenfield on Oct 5, 2004 - 4 comments

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