148 posts tagged with Cubsbar and chatter.
Displaying 101 through 148 of 148. Subscribe:
Metatalktail Hour: Hot-Weather Recipes
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! I'm a little slow to post this week because MY AIR CONDITIONING DIED so there was all the drama of working over a hot computer in 90 degree heat while waiting for the repair guy. ANYWAY, not that my house is cooling back off, I desperately want to know your favorite hot-weather recipes -- things that taste good in the heat, or things that you don't need to turn on the stove for, or things that just taste like summer. Go!
Metatalktail Hour: Open thread
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm a little tired from too much stuff this weekend, so I declare an open thread. Tell us what's up with you, especially the nice things. Or share what's on your mind that the rest of us might enjoy!
Metatalktail Hour: Family Jargon
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, Too Ticky wants to hear about the "expressions or jargon are used only in your family or friends group -- Bonus points for stuff that no one else would understand." This kind of question is straight-up my jam so I look forward to giggling for the next several hours!
Metatalktail Hour: Quantified Self
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, aniola asks, "What data do you track about yourself? Eg., books read, places visited, eating out, etc." And why that data!
Alternate question: What did you do with yourself during the Great MetaFilter Outage of 2018?
Alternate question: What did you do with yourself during the Great MetaFilter Outage of 2018?
Metatalktail Hour: Dinner Party
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! I forgot to write down whose question this was, but someone (who should feel free to out themselves in the comments) wanted me to ask you the classic dinner party question: If you could have any three people, living or dead, at your dinner party, who would they be and why? (You can pick more than 3. Or less than 3. Or really any number, I don't know why I said 3.) For bonus points, would you have a menu in mind? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Media Recs
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I want to know what you've been reading, watching, listening to, or otherwise enjoying and want to recommend to everyone else who's looking for something new to enjoy! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Empty Orchestra
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm curious to know your go-to karaoke song, if you have one! And if you don't (or even if you do!), you can tell us what you're doing this weekend.
Metatalktail Hour: I Need a Hero!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, AugustWest wants to know, "Do you have any heroes and if so, who are they and why are they your hero?" [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Open thread
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, my brain is tired, so oooOOOOoooopen thread ahoy! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Brushes with Fame
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, Fizz wants hear about a time you had an encounter with a celebrity or famous person. You may bring your own definition of celebrity! As always, you can talk about whatever's on your mind (except politics).
Metatalktail Hour: Spring Fling
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I want to know what you've got planned for the spring (/fall, hello people who can see the Southern Cross!), or what you're looking forward to, or if the change of seasons has arrived near you yet, or anything else to take my mind off this lousy Smarch weather and put me in a spring/fall mindset!
Metatalktail Hour: Mad Skillz
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm curious -- if you could pick up a skill instantly, what skill would it be? (And are you otherwise working on acquiring this skill?) [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Excitement!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight, I want to know what you're excited about! Something cool lately you've done, or made, or seen, or something you're looking forward to, or just something awesome about the universe that makes you delighted! So what are you excited about this week? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Olympic Fever!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight, Slarty Bartfast wants to talk about the Olympics, and hear about your favorite event, favorite Olympic memory, favorite Olympic event, favorite athlete, or anything else Olympic in nature! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Comfort Food
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I want to know your favorite unusual comfort foods, because winter makes me hungry! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Potent Quotables
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's Metatalktail topic, from filthy light thief: potent quotables, or quotes that are lodged in your brain and are now your normal response to certain phrases or situations. Of course we also want to hear what's happening with you and yours, or what's on your mind, or really anything except politics!
Metatalktail Hour: Bad Decisions
Good Saturday evening, Metafilter! This week, vignettist wants to hear "stories about bad decisions that people have made - not "I ruined my life" decisions, but "well, we were drunk so scaling a 10ft wall seemed like a good idea at the time". Also, pranks." [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Prized Possession
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's question comes from zamboni, who wants to know what your most prized possession is! Obviously you have to tell us the story about WHY it's your most treasured possession. Or, you can just tell us what's up with you, how the new year's going, whether it's cold enough to freeze your Winnebago where you are ... [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: RESOLVED!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's topic: What are your New Year's Resolutions? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Holiday HoliYAY!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, an open thread for the holidays, and I hope you're having lovely ones! Tell us something holiday-y that's up with you.
Metatalktail Hour: Project Updates
Good Saturday Evening, MetaFilter! Tonight for metatalktails, filthy light thief wants to know how far you got on your NaNoWriMo this year, or share how any other project they're working on (or recently finished!) is going. If it's a THING, pictures are great! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's topic: What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year.
Metatalktail Hour: Pre-Holiday Chatter
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Now that Halloween is over, I am ready to GET HYPE for the winter holidays, and with the SUPER-INTENSE SNOWSTORM we had on Friday that made it impossible to drive, but only for an hour, I think the universe is telling me it's time to talk turkey. (And trees and menorahs and festivus poles and kinaras and champagne and red envelopes and logs and orbital mechanics and any other holiday accoutrements that may be common to your culture, family, or religion!) So what is up for the next couple months, what are you looking forward to, what are you making cunning plans to avoid, tell us everything holiday.
Metatalktail Hour: Happy Thoughts
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, because it's been a long one, please share a happy thing that's happened to you lately, whether it's something super-fantastically awesome or just binge-watching Stranger Things this weekend. Tell us the good stuff going on in your life!
Metatalktail Hour: Kiddie Toys
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! I'm off this week and this cortex goon is in charge, so ... . Anyway, Rhaomi wants to know your favorite toy growing up -- as well as any other exciting happenings in your life this week!
Metatalktail Hour: MeFi Made Me Do It
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! After reading 8 billion AskMe recs over several years I finally gave in and bought a Tom Bihn bag that arrived this morning, so this week what I want to know is: What has MetaFilter convinced you to do? Dared you to try? Forced you to attempt? SHARE.
Metatalktail Hour: Buy the Movie Rights!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight, wenestvedt wants to know what book you'd like to see made into a movie (/prestige TV, we live in a golden age), and why. And you can also include dream casting if you have it!
Metatalktail Hour: Lying to Mom
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! It was 95 in Chicago today and I am hella grumpy about it! This week's topic comes from Johnny Wallflower and Bondcliff, who want to know the Things You've Done That You Would Never Tell Your Mother. Or father. Or guardian. Or boss. Or thesis supervisor. Or android caregiver. Or miscellaneous authority figure. Whatev. You get the idea!
Metatalktail Hour: Fall Follies/Spring Sillies
The seasons are changing, which means I want to talk about what you're up to for the next few months for fall/spring/wet season/dry season/eternal paradise of your tropical island where the seasons don't change!
Metatalktails: Family Filk
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, secretariat wants to know what altered song lyrics people sing, especially to pets or kids.
Metatalktail Hour: We Are Family
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! AugustWest wants to know, do you have any unusual family traditions? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: The Great Outdoors
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's topic comes from fluttering hellfire, who asks: "Can we have one on outdoorsy things? I could really go for people just yammering on about their favorite trails and campsites and gear and stuff." YES. THIS IS THAT ONE. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: TOTAL ECLIPSE
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Monday is the total eclipse for much of the US, what do you have planned? Non-eclipse-chasers, antipodeans, and Old Worlders, what's up with your Monday? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Favorite MetaFilter Moments
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! In honor of cortex buying MetaFilter, I've decided to go with a suggestion from pjern, who wants to know your favorite MetaFilter moments! They can be on-site, something that happened IRL, or something that happened BECAUSE of MetaFilter (i.e., you bought a used Mazda5 from Hertz rental because this one lady is always on about it), whatever! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Favorite Words
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's conversation starter: What is your favorite word, and why? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Return
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's conversation starter is from Wordshore, and he wants to know, "Where have you been that you want to return to? And why? Maybe a holiday place, a difficult-to-reach island, the city where you found love, a childhood playground, that diner you stopped at one time, a beach, or that quiet forest with only the sounds of trees and animals. Or, perhaps somewhere closer to home (or maybe even your home itself)." [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Shop Talk
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! bookmammal wants to know, "what was the last thing you purchased? Was it a "need" or a "want"?" You can skip routine life-maintenance purchases like groceries and gas and transit cards and things like that (because otherwise 75% of the answers will be "picked up groceries/got gas/loaded my transit card on the way home"). If you would like to cheat and say the last interesting thing you bought, or say the last thing you bought and also the last interesting thing you bought, I won't tell! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: EDC
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's topic was suggested by both zamboni and bookmammal: What's In Your Pockets or Bag! Discuss what you bring with you every day when you leave the house. (Feel free to link pictures! Pictures are a fun part of EDC & bagluv.) [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Hidden Talents and Odd Adventures
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! I'm going with a combo topic tonight of two closely related suggestions: pjern wants to know odd and unusual things you've done, and August West is curious about your hidden talents! Maybe they're the same! Maybe they're different! Maybe you have no talents but have done a lot of odd things! Well this is the thread to tell us about it. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: I'm disorganized!
Ack, I'm so disorganized this week I didn't pick a topic! So tonight it's just TELL US YOUR NEWS, chatter about your stuff, what've you been reading, how's your summer going, how the fam, how's work, how's life, how's philosophy? (Just remember, no politics!)
Metatalktail Hour: Hilarity
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's metatalktail topic comes from scratch: "What is the funniest thing you've ever seen? Or heard, or smelled, etc. No parameters--it can be something from You Own Real Life, a meme, a twelfth-hand anecdote, your cat, a joke, a movie scene, a song by Weird Al Yankovich, whatever." [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: The Good Life
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's metatalktails topic is deeply philosophical: What, to you, is the good life? Of course if you're not feeling philosophical feel free to give us the latest gossip, life updates, amusing people watching, great books, etc., from your recent days; they're conversation starters, not limiters! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: School's Out for Summer!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's metatalktail topic: It's Memorial Day weekend in the US, my kids are already (!!) out of school, so that mean's it's summer! What awesome things do you have planned for the summer? Books, movies, Netflix marathons, actual marathons, trips, hobbies, hanging out, cooking, never cooking, drinking summer booze ... tell us! And if you are one of our many friends from the lovely lands down under, tell us all about your cool winter plans!
Metatalktail Hour: Brand Loyalty
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week's prompt is from lyssabee, who has used Cherry Chapstick for 30 years: What brands are you extra loyal to? Remember, they're conversation starters, not limiters, so talk about whatever's on your mind!
Metatalktail Hour: Alter Ego
Good Saturday Night, MetaFilter! Tonight's MetaTalkTail topic comes from DrDr ChuraChura, who just finished her Ph.D.: If you were a plant or animal, what would you be and why? Remember, they're conversation starters, not limiters, so feel free to discuss anything you want!
Metatalktail Hour: Crouton Petting
Good Saturday Evening, Metafilter! This week's topic is from 1f2frfbf, who wants you to share the named inanimate objects in your lives with explanations or mysteries, as they deserve! Remember, they're conversation starters, not conversation limiters, so you can talk about any sociable/personal/sharing thing on your mind -- we're here to kibbitz! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: The Requested Pony
Good Saturday Evening, Metafilter! This week we're hanging out in MetaFilter's new inn, The Requested Pony, from where diverse adventurers may set forth on quests. But we're just here to shoot the breeze! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour!
Cocktails? Metatalktails? I don't know, come up with something cleverer. Belly on up to the metatalk bar and let's have some Friday chatter! Let's hear about your work, your family, your pets, let's talk about sports and TV and hilarious things you saw in the street, tell terrible jokes, and blow off some steam and be sociable! [more inside]