4 posts tagged with DoublesJubilee.
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A Long Bet Pays Off

Cool news from Archive.org:
11 years ago, on the site longbets.org, a friendly wager was made between two mavens of the web: Jeremy Keith and Matthew Haughey. The bet, to be revisited a decade and a year later, would be whether the URL of their wager at Long Bets would survive to a point in the semi-distant future. That is, this day, February 22nd, 2022, (2/22/2222).

As of this writing, the URL absolutely has survived.
[more inside] posted by Rhaomi on Feb 22, 2022 - 10 comments

YouBlue: your own fave MeFi posts / comments

Someone (okay, it was Tehhund, obviously) recently favourited an old comment of mine that I've always been ridiculously pleased with -- a This is Just to Say / Lik the Bread mashup. It's not my comment that other people have favourited the most, but it's my comment that I like the most. In keeping a bit with the idea of revisiting the past for the Doubles Jubilee, do you have an all-time favourite of your own comments or posts?
posted by jacquilynne on Feb 15, 2022 - 46 comments

💖 Announcing February "Doubles Jubilee" Theme Month! 💖

Happy February 1, everybody, and welcome to get-out-of-jail-free double posting month, in which everyone is invited to repost the best of old posts from the archives, either yours or someone else's. Here's how to do it: [more inside]
posted by taz on Feb 1, 2022 - 14 comments

Coming up, February theme post month: Doubles 💖 Jubilee

Hello, gentlepeople of Mefi! This is just a heads-up to prepare to dust off your bookmarks and favorites, because February will be (drumroll) ... [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 26, 2022 - 13 comments

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