4 posts tagged with Jews.
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On Jews and their Comments

So Joe from Australia posted this comment in the Nazi punching thread. The crux of it was a link called Solidarity is for Goyim, in which the author argues that Jews have not received the same sort of support from the left as other Jews, despite the very visible rise of antisemitism. [more inside]
posted by maxsparber on Jan 24, 2017 - 511 comments

Another thing Metafilter doesn't do well

Metafilter has a problem with anti-Semitism. That is, Metafilter has a structural problem that leads the moderators to silence discussions of and references to anti-Semitism, even when they are fundamentally relevant. As a consequence of this, its users (including myself) are forced into self-censorship: we are forced to either ignore attacks on Jews, or pretend that we can meaningfully discuss those attacks without referring to the motives of the attackers. The recent events in France make me feel that I cannot remain silent while engaging honestly with this website. [more inside]
posted by Joe in Australia on Jan 13, 2015 - 726 comments

The Semite Subset

As a Jewish hetero man who has been transported by OK Cupid into the company of some of the creepiest people ever--of all ethnicities--I must respectfully take issue with Metafilter's acceptance of this non-Jew's comment that we Jews of JDate comprise a "particularly annoying subset." And I was surprised that this post was favorited more than flagged. [more inside]
posted by steinsaltz on Apr 13, 2012 - 189 comments

Holocaust Denial Callout

In a handful of comments, kjc managed to casually explain us that Anne Frank's diary is a postwar forgery and Elie Wiesel (whom he calls "Weasel") is a liar. The user seems to have a problem with the Jews, you know, the "indifferent" ..."tribe" that the first time around didn't accept Jesus as the Savior and won't accept him when he comes back, the ones who "holocausted" "tens of millions of Russians" and, why not, there's time to enlighten us on the Jewish Bankers who did many bad things using "the Rothschilds International Crime Syndicate". Now, none of my friends belong to the Klan or to neonazi groups so in a way I might be guilty of discriminating against nazis, but really, revisionist lies and antisemitism are hardly part of that elusive Best of the Web (especially when they're stink bombs planted in great FPP's like madamjujujive's). Also, keep in mind that around here people get banned for saying "fuck you" to other users or for making vitriolic fun of the overweight and their eating habits, so speech seems to have some limits here already after all. More inside.
posted by matteo on Jul 28, 2006 - 161 comments

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