7 posts tagged with Meeting.
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What is the MeFite meeting signal?

I'm going to meet a(nother) MeFite for the first time in a few days, and there's a possibility I'll meet a few more in the near future. Is there a special signal, hand gesture, code word, performative mime, or some other mechanism used by MeFites when they meet each other, either for the first time or on subsequent occasions? (And if not, should there be one?)
posted by Wordshore on Sep 2, 2020 - 99 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Background Noise

Inspired by a link from ALeaflikeStructure, we pose the question, "What's on your actual or idealized-imaginary zoom backdrop?" Do you have a credibility bookcase or similar? Are you composing a subtle (or unsubtle?!) message with your background, or just winging it? Do you have favorites or notables that you've seen from others? [more inside]
posted by taz on Aug 29, 2020 - 80 comments

Previous post about effective meeting protocols

I’m looking for an article that was previously linked (I think on the green, but could have been the blue). It had tips on how to get the most out of meetings - one of the bits of advice was for the chair at the beginning effectively to say what order she would call on attendees to speak. The benefits of this included that people didn’t spend their time just waiting to interrupt, and also ensured that the meeting wasn’t dominated by the usual suspects. I think the context for this may have making sure that otherwise marginalised voices get heard - but it may also have just been straightforward good meeting etiquette. Can anyone link me to this? Thanks all and stay safe
posted by JJZByBffqU on Mar 23, 2020 - 3 comments

MetaTalktail Hour: Famous on the Internet

For this month's Euro time shift Metatalktails, we hear from Mefite I'm always feeling, Blue who wants to know about your brushes with the internet-famous ... [more inside]
posted by taz on Aug 31, 2019 - 81 comments

MeFites in Real Life: Acknowledge or No?

If I meet someone whose unusual real name I recognize from their profile, is it creepy to say "hey, I think I know you from Metafilter"? Or is it Not to Be Mentioned, like meeting one's therapist on the street?
posted by Wordwoman on Jul 23, 2012 - 121 comments

Buenos Aires Meetup?

Buenos Aires Meetup? [more inside]
posted by conifer on May 6, 2009 - 1 comment

NY Comicon?

Any comics mefites going to the NY Comic Con? Odds are that I'm going to be able to make it this year - should we set up a meeting or at the minimum some identification procedures so we'll know if we run into each other?
posted by Artw on Jan 19, 2009 - 7 comments

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