4 posts tagged with Meta and errors.
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Improperly formed MetaTalk RSS.

MetaTalk RSS doesn't validate, isn't properly formed XML--due to unquoted special characters. This seems to be getting irritatingly common, is something missing out of the auto-quote list, or could we have auto-quote for the RSS beefed up in general? AskMe never seems to have problems, just MetaTalk almost every week or so.
posted by anaelith on Sep 8, 2007 - 38 comments

Problem opening MeTa links in a new window in IE6.

IE6, running on Win98SE. I have "open links in a new window" selected in my profile customization, but they open in the same window anyway.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Jun 12, 2002 - 12 comments

MeTa Errors

The Error Messages are getting more and more frequent in Metatalk. Yes, this is a double post, but sufficiently urgent. The most recent one was: http://metatalk.metafilter.com/comments.mefi/8590#99606

using IE5.0 for Mac.

And yet another error message when I tried to post this on--oh cruel irony!
posted by ParisParamus on Jun 25, 2001 - 0 comments

Stuck logged in on MetaTalk.

D'oh - I just noticed it's not easy (actually, it's not possible) to log out of metatalk. Sorry about that, I'll dig in and see what the problem is this weekend.
posted by mathowie on May 19, 2000 - 0 comments

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