8 posts tagged with MetaFilter and happy.
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Happy New Year, MetaFilter

It's 2020 pretty much everywhere now, if I've done my timezone math right, so: here's to the new year, and to all of us in this weird old online community keeping on together and seeing what we can make of this next year. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 1, 2020 - 49 comments

Just Share Something Good

It's been a difficult week. Let's talk about something that isn't related to the news or a source of the never ending stream of nightmare fuel we encounter on the rest of the web. Just share something good with the MetaFilter community. We all could do with a story that brings a smile, or a laugh. Maybe share a photo of a cute pet or baby, or tell us about that slice of pie you enjoyed, whatever it is, just share something good. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. We're all on this rock together.
posted by Fizz on Mar 7, 2019 - 120 comments


Let's lighten the mood. It's the end of the week and I want to hear about something fun and not about politics. Tell me about a really awesome snack/food you just ate. What you eating?
posted by Fizz on Jul 19, 2018 - 183 comments


Tell me something good. Something happy. Maybe it's a thing you did. Maybe it's a thing that was done for you. Share something good with me and the rest of us. I feel like we need some of that. There's been a lot of serious happening the last few days and I want to just hear something good, positive, and light. I like this place and all of you. Be kind to each other, love yourself. Tell me something good.
posted by Fizz on Jun 20, 2018 - 276 comments

Right Post at the Right Time

I had a pretty terrible yesterday and a somewhat grumpy today. Towards the end of my work shift I switched tabs over to MetaFilter and I saw Wordshore's delightful post on the new Animal Crossing game. And it's cheered me right up. Something was just right about this post and it hit me at the right time. I thought I'd share my joy and gratitude about that here. Feel free to share your own stories of posts that hit you at the right time. Maybe its the linked subject or the comments, but something just worked and it made your day like this one made mine. Thank you Wordshore. :)
posted by Fizz on Oct 25, 2017 - 11 comments

Happy New Year, Metafilter

Happy New Year to you all, may it be better than this one in each and every way, and may you all continue to make the awesome posts and comments that make this place what it is!
posted by marienbad on Dec 31, 2015 - 167 comments

April Showers

I'd like to propose a negative- free month. As in BEST of the web. As we transition from Matt to Josh, I think it would be nice to re-visit metafilter and get back to it's core business. Best of the web. Let me repeat that. Best of the web. If it's fighty, don't post it. If it's political, don't post it. Well, go ahead, but it's not part of April Showers. You know what I mean. Can we spend April ignoring the Worst of the web? Is it possible? Are you folks willing to just find stuff that brings a smile to people's faces? It's a challenge. I'd like to keep metafilter somewhat happy. And give the mods a month of fun. [more inside]
posted by valkane on Mar 13, 2015 - 359 comments

Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins

Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
posted by Wordshore on Oct 1, 2012 - 59 comments

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