10 posts tagged with Metafilter and Update.
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Site finances update, 1/15/2020

Hey folks, time for a quarterly update on how the site's doing financially, and a reminder that the direct financial support of MetaFilter's membership and readers is fundamental to keeping this place operational. Your help supporting this community is vital, and appreciated. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jan 15, 2020 - 0 comments

Site finance update, 10/16/19

Here's a first quarterly update on where we're at with site revenue and expenses. We've made some progress from where we were this summer; your help in funding the site is a fundamental part of that. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Oct 16, 2019 - 0 comments

Site finance snapshot, August 2019

It's a little over a month since the State of the Site post where I talked about our current revenue shortfall, and as part of a goal of moving toward more regular financial updates I wanted to give a quick snapshot of where we are now. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 19, 2019 - 225 comments

Updating the MeFi Projects subsite guidelines

Hey, so, MetaFilter Projects! It's one of my favorite parts of the site, where members can post and share their personal creative work. And we've done a little work to update the posting guidelines there, to try and make it a little more clear and generous about what's a good fit. Come on in for details! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 11, 2018 - 53 comments

State of the Site: Metafilter financial update and future directions

Important site updates, folks:

1. The site is running at a significant deficit and we urgently need to make that up. Part of that is through additional direct community funding; you can help here.
2. We're looking at—and inviting community input on—several big-picture questions.

Today I want to lay out our budget and income streams, to explain where we're at and what we need to accomplish. I'll also talk a bit about how the community is doing, and what's coming up in the future. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 13, 2018 - 1002 comments

Improve Account Security With This One Weird Trick (Hackers Hate It)

We've improved password security on Metafilter. So, hey, update your password! [more inside]
posted by cortex on Apr 22, 2015 - 74 comments

I Got Mine, The Story of Jackie Shane

An update to this thread on Jackie Shane. CBC radio's "Inside the Music" has done a terrific show on Jackie, and the podcast is available here.
posted by kimdog on Mar 6, 2010 - 2 comments

Georgia update

Because for some reason I can't sign into metafilter's main page, I thought I'd give a brief update on the situation in this thread here. [more inside]
posted by piratebowling on Aug 11, 2008 - 32 comments

Weeee're back

Ugh. Ok, we should be back now, mostly working. I'm sure there are lots of little things I need to fix and I'll try and get things going over the next couple days.
posted by mathowie on Mar 26, 2007 - 146 comments

How to update a closed thread?

FollowupFilter? I was using the subject of this thread as an example in an email today, and while researching it I noticed that just today there was an update to this story. The original thread is locked, but I not sure this is FPP worthy.
posted by betaray on Apr 23, 2003 - 11 comments

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