12 posts tagged with Metafilter and history.
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Why Does a Librarian Own a Social Media Site That’s Been Around for Long

User 292 speaks with user 15348 on the podcast Reimagining The Internet about the past, present, and future of MetaFilter.
posted by terrapin on Sep 7, 2022 - 28 comments

What do you know now that you didn't know before MetaFilter?

Checking in a decade later. [more inside]
posted by bendy on Sep 20, 2021 - 81 comments

MetaDragons 🐉

I love dragons. They're one of my favorite creatures. There are many different types of dragons. Some mythical, some still living today. From literature, film & television, animation, & video-games, table-top games. There are many different breeds: chromatic or metalic? lightweight or heavyweight? Would you ride on their backs? Maybe you'd learn some magic. There have been some amazing posts on the blue and green related to dragons that are worth checking out. The conversation is open to any and all dragon-related subjects. Let's discuss dragons. RROOAARRR!!!!
posted by Fizz on Jun 18, 2020 - 68 comments

sole artifact left to explain humanity

Regarding the recent one-man Godzilla film that was posted over on the blue, MCMikeNamara commented:
If this was the sole artifact left to explain humanity, it would be impossible to truly explain without the cultural context, but I honestly don't care and would happily nominate it to be the sole artifact to explain humanity.<>
Has me thinking what the rest of the community would choose, so let's open it up to debate. What would you choose as the sole artifact left to explain humanity? I'm thinking that MCMikeNamara is on the right track with this one-man Godzilla film. Stay safe everyone.
posted by Fizz on Mar 30, 2020 - 54 comments

Happy 20th Anniversary, MetaFilter

MetaFilter, that weird blue site (and, yep, we've finally turned it blue again), is 20 years old today.

It's a thrilling and boggling and remarkable and ungainly and heartening number. I've had trouble figuring out what the thing is that I want to say about the site today, and I've realized the problem is there's no one thing. MetaFilter is too complex, its history too complicated, to reduce to a tidy anecdote.

But I want to talk a little about what it means to me, and what I want it to aspire to, and to reflect a little bit on this twenty year milestone on an unsteady world wide web. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 14, 2019 - 227 comments

We're Still Here

The Web is 30. MeFi is nearly 20. Times change. Tell me about it. [more inside]
posted by theora55 on Mar 13, 2019 - 86 comments

What's your online genealogy?

I stumbled upon this tweet recently:
“what's your online genealogy. mine is: digimon forums moderator -> rpg maker - > somethingawful -> lf -> twitter” ~ @immolations
It got me thinking about the various online communities I've been a part of in my digital life, the different digital phases I've posted, shared, & tweeted my way through. Where does MetaFilter fall into your own digital history? What is your online genealogy?
posted by Fizz on Jun 6, 2017 - 147 comments

The Week You Joined MetaFilter

This recent MetaTalk comment brought up some past bit of history, specifically posts that occurred during the first week of MetaFilter. It had me thinking. Were there any standout or significant posts that you recall from the week that you joined MetaFilter?
posted by Fizz on May 24, 2017 - 63 comments

On Sept. 11, 2001, there was no Facebook, no Twitter, not even a MySpace

…but there was a MetaFilter. Will Oremus gave us a shout-out five days ago in a short blog post for Slate.
posted by Going To Maine on Sep 16, 2015 - 69 comments

Special snowflake question inside

I'm interested in the etymology of the descriptor 'snowflake', where it refers to a person stating inwardly unique emotions or situations. This has arisen out of finding a strangely amusing definition through a work task, but I can't find the root or origin of 'snowflake' as it is used on MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Feb 24, 2015 - 65 comments


The Bar: Precursor to the Modern Sidebar? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jul 20, 2011 - 56 comments

Do you read Mefi archives or your favourites?

Do you read Metafilter archives and/or your favourited items? [more inside]
posted by yoHighness on Feb 5, 2010 - 54 comments

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