9 posts tagged with Metafilter and jessamyn.
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“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”

From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
posted by Wordshore on Jul 12, 2024 - 18 comments

Why Does a Librarian Own a Social Media Site That’s Been Around for Long

User 292 speaks with user 15348 on the podcast Reimagining The Internet about the past, present, and future of MetaFilter.
posted by terrapin on Sep 7, 2022 - 28 comments

The Election Year That Never Ended

Where Cortex is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe of Community Signal. Issues include the (ongoing) impact of the 2016 election on MetaFilter, member deaths, the recent transfer of ownership and how MetaFilter has addressed casual sexism, racism and transphobia. Recent interviewees include Jessamyn and Matt. Contains profanity.
posted by Wordshore on Aug 21, 2017 - 53 comments

Closing Your Community Right: Jessamyn interviewed

A podcast where Jessamyn is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe about the experiences around an online community (mlkshk) closing down and what happens afterwards. There is much on moderating, membership, community issues and service shuttering procedures within, as well as discussion of death/the passing of people, how this impacts on online communities and how moderators and community members deal with it. The page contains many MetaFilter-related links and a link to the transcript.
posted by Wordshore on Mar 21, 2017 - 27 comments

Jessamyn on moderation

Advice for the accidental community manager at The Coral Project ("a multi-year collaboration between Mozilla, The Washington Post and The New York Times designed to lead experiments in community growth and management, seeking ways to improve the state of user-generated contributions on the internet through open-source software.")
posted by beagle on Jan 22, 2016 - 18 comments

Go be awesome

How to Leave Your Internet Job. Advice for @mathowie on his new adventure by Jessamyn.
posted by zarq on Mar 10, 2015 - 102 comments

Jessamyn's Blog Post on The Downsizing

Jessamyn shares her thoughts as (former) MeFi employee #1 ("after Matt") here. [more inside]
posted by Joseph Gurl on Jun 27, 2014 - 116 comments

Thanks for the link. I made a book out of it.

Back in November of 2007 I came across jonson’s fpp about Geoff Manaugh’s blog post on a photographer named Shaun O’Boyle. I really liked the photographs, and sometimes my job allows me to develop a book. So I did. Kind of about that link. I asked Geoff Manaugh to write the intro to the book, and he said yes, and then he surprisingly cited an unrelated Metafilter comment in the essay he submitted. [more inside]
posted by Toekneesan on Oct 13, 2010 - 17 comments

Jessamyn tells all!

An interview with Jessamyn West: lifeguard, librarian, mod. "AskMe anything, in moderation." At The Big Interview.
posted by ocherdraco on Oct 15, 2009 - 57 comments

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