2 posts tagged with TIL.
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More TIL?

The Today I Learned thread from January has been closed. Can we have another one? TIL that deer like wilted apple leaves. My dwarf Golden Delicious apple tree fell down in the late snowstorm two weeks ago. This afternoon I saw two deer in my back yard eating the wilted leaves off the downed tree. First time I've seen deer in the yard in several years. This evening just at dusk they were back, eating apple leaves again.
posted by Bruce H. on May 31, 2017 - 100 comments

Saturday Night Metatalktails: TIL

Good Saturday night, MetaFilter! It's time for another metatalktail hour! This week's conversation starter: Today (/this week) I Learned ... But don't restrict yourself! Talk about whatever sociable/personal thing you want! (Just no politics, the bouncers are very anti-politics.)
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Jan 14, 2017 - 148 comments

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