3 posts tagged with ableist.
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Can we please stop using the term "wheelchair bound" on MetaFilter?

Recently I have noticed several different commenters on MetaFilter using the phrase "wheelchair bound." This is a phrase that a lot of wheelchair users (including myself) find deeply objectionable, as wheelchairs actually give us freedom of movement compared to not having a wheelchair. (Also, a lot of wheelchair users are ambulatory wheelchair users, e.g. they can sometimes walk a very short distance.) The preferred term is "wheelchair user". If using it as an adjective, you can say "wheelchair using", e.g. "My wheelchair-using girlfriend."
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries on Jul 13, 2023 - 42 comments

Do we really need to use the m word?

Can we talk about avoiding use of "moron" casually? Similar to the related 'r' word, it has had clinical connotations and has been used to marginalize and other those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Posting as I was mildly shocked at its abundant use on the recent vaccine thread. Perhaps we can also avoid using the related "imbecile" and "idiot".
posted by lemur on Jun 28, 2021 - 137 comments

How should the issue of non-racial slurs be discussed?

The thread on “Racial slurs that should never be written,” was focused on racial slurs. Several people brought up other types of slurs, but they were told that that thread was not the place to address those slurs. This is the thread to discuss where to address those slurs. [more inside]
posted by NotLost on Jul 27, 2020 - 169 comments

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