1 posts tagged with callous.
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MetaFilter has a real problem with voicing class genocidal attitudes

There have been two threads i've bailed out on in the past while. One was a thread about how small communities are becoming less economically viable which I'm unable to find right now because I can't find the right keywords. The most recent is the one about the submarine that is currently lost in the ocean. In both of these threads members of this community, a community I dearly love, have expressed either a desire for the extinction of people living in rural communities, or a bloodlust for rich people to perish doing activities only they can afford. Neither of these are acceptable and both of them make our community look shitty from the outside. I don't know if this is a reduced moderation hours problem or an issue where this group of people is becoming actually worse, but it is becoming more unappealing to me with every iteration. [more inside]
posted by hippybear on Jun 20, 2023 - 662 comments

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