1 posts tagged with commentdeletionpolicy.
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If you don't have something nice to say...

I like Obama overall, but I'm not thrilled that the comments saying he "sucks at his job" in this thread was deleted for being polarizing and content-free, while the comment stating, in it's entirety "Why would you want another president? Stop wasting your time with elections. Extend his term indefinitely" was allowed to stand. I really am not accusing the mods of betraying a pro-Obama bias, because I don't think that's what's happening, but the net result is that the conversation in that thread has been altered to make it seem that MetaFilter universally loves Obama, when that's not the case. Is it just the general rule that "So-and-so rules" comments are fine while "So-and-so drools" comments are not? If so, are we happy with this?
posted by 256 on Mar 11, 2014 - 246 comments

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