2 posts tagged with continuity.
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All about sockpuppets, privacy accounts, Brand New Day, and other multiple-mefi account things

Hey there! No big thing, but it's time for a general reminder post about what's okay and what's not with sockpuppets, alternate accounts, Brand New Days, and other multiple-accounts-related stuff on Metafilter. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 12, 2012 - 171 comments

What happens to Metafilter in the event of mathowie's death

In another thread caddis said "Beth, is Matt going somewhere? I would guess that if a meteor dropped on his head tomorrow, MetaFilter would just fade into history." and it made me curious. Now that MetaFilter is a full-time job and presumably a corporation which Matt would leave to someone, is there some sort of "if I get hit by a bus" plan? [mi]
posted by phearlez on Feb 8, 2006 - 56 comments

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