10 posts tagged with covid-19.
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ColdChef in the time of COVID

MeFi's Own ColdChef is featured in a story in the Guardian: 'Humans need the ritual of saying goodbye': the Covid life of a small-town funeral director [more inside]
posted by Johnny Wallflower on Dec 26, 2020 - 12 comments

Coronavirus check-in thread #5

It is May 8th and time for the latest check-in thread. As previously ([4][3][2][1])) this is for actual news, updates, personal experiences, and more mutual support from and to people dealing with this virus in their daily lives. All hail the mods for continuing to provide this sanctuary for us, and good health to readers and commenters alike. How is one doing?
posted by Windopaene on May 8, 2020 - 301 comments

What's eatin', you?

You know what's weird right now? Besides, like, everything? Food. Lots of routines are disrupted, lots of supply lines and food-sourcing habits have gotten all sideways. So: what's going on with your fooding? How's the whole eating thing? Any happy discoveries or rediscoveries? Any weird surprises? Any big shortage headaches? Any horrible cooking failures? Snacking surprises? Foodly frustrations? Can you buy literally any yeast? Get it out, let's talk all kinds of food stuff, let's do a whole roundup of where everybody's at.
posted by cortex on Apr 14, 2020 - 212 comments

Coronavirus check-in thread #4

It is March 39th and time for the latest check-in thread. As previously ([3][2][1]) this is for actual news, updates, personal experiences, and more mutual support from and to people dealing with this virus in their daily lives. All hail the mods for continuing to provide this sanctuary for us, and good health to readers and commenters alike. How is one doing?
posted by Wordshore on Apr 8, 2020 - 568 comments

Poems for Coronavirustimes

Did we not have a thread with uplifting poems etc relevant to the current catastrophe? I can’t find it.
posted by HotToddy on Apr 3, 2020 - 6 comments

Corona Virus Check-in Thread no. 3

I can't improve on Gotanda's intro for the last check in thread so here it is again updated: A third catch-all thread for mefites living in areas directly affected by novel coronavirus (aka SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19) picking up from the last one. Again, please no idle speculation, catastrophizing, or chat. Let's stick to actual news, updates, personal experiences, and more mutual support from and to people dealing with this virus in their daily lives. How you all doing?
posted by glasseyes on Mar 23, 2020 - 1047 comments

Covid Card Swap

One of the Card Club members suggested a Covid-19 card swap event. I think this is a good idea, and wanted to bring it to the larger Mefi community to see what the interest level is. This would be like the winter holiday or Valentine's Day card swaps, where people are assigned to small groups, and you send a card to the people within that group. As far as I know, there are no covid-specific greeting cards, so these would be pretty free-form -- postcards, "hang in there" cards, short messages of connection and encouragement, wishes for good health, etc. Thoughts/opinions?
posted by Sparky Buttons on Mar 20, 2020 - 61 comments

Terrified of COVID-19? Want to do something about it? Come sit by me.

Lots of us are terrified without a sense that we can control anything about the COVID-19 pandemic besides staying in our homes. But there are plenty of things we can be doing as citizens to organize and help each other out. Let's create a space to talk about what we are personally doing and why to keep one another safe. [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Mar 19, 2020 - 35 comments

Dangerous advice on COVID-19 on AskMeFi

People are answering AskMeFi questions about COVID-19 with incorrect advice, endangering at-risk populations. Preventing the use of MetaFilter to distribute dangerous misinformation is a matter of life and death. [more inside]
posted by strangely stunted trees on Mar 8, 2020 - 122 comments

Finding COVID-19 data visualization comment

I could have sworn I saw a comment about a data visualization of COVID-19 that showed different strains of the virus by location and some other ways. It had a bunch of different charts, including at least one map visualization that you could zoom in, and one bar chart with thin bars and circles at the end of each bar. [more inside]
posted by Gorgik on Mar 7, 2020 - 6 comments

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