2 posts tagged with drewcurtis.
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🔊🌐 🔊 MetaFilter Events: How it went in 2022, plus 2 standalone events

MetaFilter Events is back for a while to bring you two free standalone events featuring two significant figures from the Web’s early days: Ryan North (webcomic creator, known for his work with Dinosaur Comics and Marvel Comics), and Drew Curtis (founder of Fark). Take a break from your work week, and come reminisce and revisit the early days of the Internet. Join us as we ask some early Web movers and shakers about their experiences, how they made what they did, how they rose to prominence, what they’re doing now, and where the Web is going from here. [more inside]
posted by aielen on Mar 29, 2023 - 8 comments

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posted by Kirth Gerson on Apr 26, 2007 - 43 comments

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