5 posts tagged with entity and bug.
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code stripping

It's pretty minor, but an & in the post title turns into 'amp' in the url. example.
posted by twine42 on Mar 6, 2007 - 18 comments

RSS " -> ?

When users make FPPs with curly quotes, they are not properly encoded in the RSS feed. Instead of their respective entities (“, ”), they are replaced with question marks. This is in the RSS feed, not an error on the part of my RSS readers (NetVibes, NewsGator, and NetNewsWire for the record). Is this intended behavior, or a bug?
posted by charmston on Mar 23, 2006 - 12 comments

Cedille breaks stuff

The page for the français tag (which uses a ç) doesn't work right. In particular, it doesn't list the post that uses it.
posted by smackfu on Mar 1, 2006 - 7 comments

smart quotes and other characters mangled (IE, mac)

IE for Mac occasionally mangles posts with quotation marks, apostrophes, etc. For example: “Y’all must stay non-nuclear, but we’ll have as many nukes as we want. We’ll make new nukes but keep the old. And if you don’t like it, just take a good look at Iraq, because you could be next.�
posted by Miss Bitchy Pants on Jan 6, 2005 - 24 comments

it worked in preview!

I was trying to put less-than and more-than symbols in a post and used the "& # 62/60;" format. It worked in preview, but in actualité, it left a big blank space where the enclosed [witty] comment was supposed to appear.
What's the situation with character entity references here on MeFi? [The FAQ was silent on this, so I ask.]
posted by Blue Stone on Sep 21, 2003 - 14 comments

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