3 posts tagged with grand.
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Y approaching zero

Giga-meetup at 3.171 nano-Herz? [more inside]
posted by StickyCarpet on Dec 24, 2008 - 39 comments

Photos from the Grand Rapids meetup

pix from the grand rapids mefi meetup tonight. er, last night. more coming tomorrow...
posted by quonsar on Dec 28, 2006 - 37 comments

MetaFilter: Grand Royal experiment

What if everyone ponied up, say, five bucks to a PayPal account? That's $70K. We make that our max bid, and if we lose, we either get it back or make a donation to a music charity.

While the MetaFilter: Grand Royal experiment sounds noble, it would likely have to be conducted "off-site, yet in spirit". (Unless Matt's anxious for another burgeoning project to worry over...)

So how do we bell this cat, and how many brave mice want to participate?
posted by Smart Dalek on Jan 14, 2004 - 10 comments

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