6 posts tagged with html and small.
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teeny tiny

Concerning small text. [more inside]
posted by Miko on Jan 3, 2013 - 122 comments

I don't want to get reading glasses yet!

Okay, yeah, doing stuff in smaller script can be funny and all. But pretty, pretty please, can people at least do it in small rather than SUPER-small, like this? (It makes me feel old, man!)
posted by EmpressCallipygos on Sep 27, 2012 - 70 comments

Display bug in My comments.

My comments, how I love thee, let me count the bugs.
posted by Eideteker on Dec 19, 2005 - 30 comments

Yeah, so how do you do the tiny text thing?

Yeah, so how do you do the tiny text thing? You know what I'm talking about. It seems it's not the "h6", "small", "tiny", "font size=""", or "li'l" tags...
posted by electric_counterpoint on Nov 9, 2005 - 56 comments

The use of small tags in front page posts bothers me

The use of small tags in front page posts bothers me. If something is worth saying, it's worth saying properly. A lot of the time it is used for unnecessary commentary about the post itself. Don't! Other times it's used to lessen the impact of a longer post on the front page, but preserving front page space by simultaneously posting less useful content seems like backwards logic to me. In preferences, I've set my small font size the same as my general font size, but it doesn't work.
posted by nthdegx on Dec 22, 2004 - 83 comments

Is the front page shrinking?

Is the front page shrinking? (more..)
posted by samsara on Oct 22, 2001 - 7 comments

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