5 posts tagged with language and translation.
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Translations of linked articles

Should I include links to machine generated translations when I link to content in languages other than English in a comment? These days, usually a pretty decent machine translation is available by right-click or offered automatically by your browser when loading the page. I used to add a link to Google Translate every time, but recently stopped, as it started to feel a bit redundant. But what do people think?
posted by Harald74 on Sep 30, 2022 - 8 comments

MetaFilter localization?

Has there been any discussion of setting up a localization effort for MetaFilter, at least for UI and other site elements? If not, what do you think of the idea? (My search-fu didn't turn up anything previous in the FAQ or MetaTalk.)
posted by Celsius1414 on May 7, 2013 - 56 comments


Languages! We speak 'em! How can we help each other? [more inside]
posted by mykescipark on Sep 29, 2011 - 37 comments

Thanks a lot, Tower of Babel

I'm working on a post in which I'd like to use a certain article that provides useful and interesting background information, information I can't find anywhere else. Unfortunately this article is a PDF file... and in Spanish. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 24, 2009 - 6 comments

Localized weblog services?

Pick a language, any language.

LiveJournal has added support for its users to translate the entire site into other languages. Translation teams have formed for over twenty languages, with more on the way.

Are there other localized weblog services out there that anyone is aware of?
posted by insomnia_lj on May 17, 2002 - 7 comments

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