12 posts tagged with mathowie and metafilter.
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It's the $5 noob anniversary!

Fourteen years ago today, Matt started the $5 signups allowing all of us noobs to come in and mess up the place.
posted by octothorpe on Nov 18, 2018 - 60 comments

mathowie transfers ownership of MetaFilter to cortex

Big news: a few days ago Matt Haughey and I signed paperwork to transfer ownership of MetaFilter from him to me. This is sorta huge and sorta not a big deal at the same time: things are fine and basically nothing is changing on the site as a result, we’re just keeping on as before. I’ll talk about the whole thing below the fold. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jul 31, 2017 - 339 comments

"You were accidentally put in the bad pile.”

It’s funny. I was at the first XOXO, I give a talk about like “Hell, I don’t know, but it seems like the weather’s changing and this might be the sunset for blogs.” It was a really depressing talk. At the end I was like, “Maybe there will still be opportunities?” but two weeks later I woke up and the site was making half as much money overnight. -- Behind the scenes at Metafilter with former Maximum Leader mathowie.
posted by Chrysostom on May 3, 2016 - 129 comments

We Need a Hero

@mathowie: "I think RSS is so important that I'd take a job (leaving MeFi) at any startup aiming to make an improved Google Reader (w/ social features). [...] I'm serious, and feel free to email me. MetaFilter can continue with the employees running things."

I think that this maybe merits some serious discussion here, pronto. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 14, 2013 - 198 comments


I am not sure how elusive the Metafilter moderator GUI screenshot might be to the average MeFi user, but I have always wondered about it's efficiency and I was pleasantly surprised when I finally caught a (blurry) glimpse of it during Matt's SxSW 2011 talk: Lessons from 11 Years of Community
posted by TangerineGurl on Feb 19, 2013 - 42 comments

Mr Haughey amusingly discusses MetaFilter

An interesting and entertaining interview of MetaFilter user #1 by Colin Marshall. It's a free podcast, an hour in length.
posted by Wordshore on Nov 15, 2012 - 23 comments

The Blogfather

On the eve of MetaFilter's twelfth birthday, the Willamette Week sits down with Matt Haughey to talk about his roots at the dawn of the blogging age, the value of lifestyle work vs. captaining industry, and the future of community blogs in an online landscape increasingly dominated by Twitter, Facebook, and mobile browsing.
posted by Rhaomi on Jul 13, 2011 - 102 comments

How to scan a cat and other subjects

A nice piece on Metafilter, including an audio interview with Mathowie, from the Toronto Globe and Mail.
posted by bowline on Jul 9, 2009 - 131 comments

Gallagher III?

This Nested post was brought to you by Matt Haughey ... [more inside]
posted by An Infinity Of Monkeys on Oct 20, 2008 - 60 comments

How Not To Sell Out

Two months ago, Fearless Leader gave a neat talk at WebVisions 2008 about how to make money off your particular web passion without resorting to venture capital interference or selling out, and the slides and the audio (MP3) from his talk are now online. It's plenty cool enough to watch/listen to on its own merits, if you've ever dreamed of running your own web company or making a small-but-cool web tool -- but since MetaFilter (and what it's been like to start and run MetaFilter) are mentioned prominently, I thought it was worth noting here, rather than on the Blue. [more inside]
posted by Asparagirl on Aug 6, 2008 - 22 comments

Why does this redirect to Mefi?

Matt, have you ever heard of this out fit - www.sendbackliberty.us

The url takes you to this page...!!

Looks well fishy to me.
posted by dash_slot- on Sep 26, 2004 - 32 comments

Mathowie backs up MeFi

Success! (I think)

Thanks to some in-person help, I remotely did a backup of the old, corrupted hard drive's web folders and deployed everything onto the new drive. Now that everything's back up, it all seems to be working again (disturbingly smoothly if I must say). If you find any problems, let me know here.
posted by mathowie on Jan 12, 2003 - 49 comments

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