5 posts tagged with meta and metameta.
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MetaFilter was mentioned twice on A Way With Words. [more inside]
posted by Deoridhe on Apr 15, 2015 - 11 comments

Meta meta

This blog post is so meta-MetaFilter that I wouldn't dare post it on MetaFilter. Note that that the comments are probably metameta and sometimes more.
posted by bru on Jan 26, 2010 - 5 comments


Coding Horror Guy celebrates MetaFilter's 10th Birthday by making a post with the title Meta Is Murder and bringing in cortex to explain how MetaTalk "is key to the success of the site because it's a sort of release valve." So relieve yourselves here. [more inside]
posted by wendell on Jul 17, 2009 - 62 comments

eh ?

Does anyone know what is happening in waraws thread below ? [more inside]
posted by sgt.serenity on Jun 7, 2008 - 8 comments

New and improved Metatalk

The new and improved MetaTalk is now live. Feel free to tell me what you think about it, and bring up any bugs you find in the bugs area.

The old format was date based, like the weblog, but things discussed here weren't really date dependent. If someone asked for a new feature or highlighted a bug, and I didn't fix it in a week, the post was basically gone forever.

I think the new format meshes better with the way I'd like MetaTalk used - discuss and read topics based on the subject, instead of the date.
posted by mathowie on May 7, 2000 - 3 comments

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