2 posts tagged with moderations.
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Why would people think Metafilter censors posts critical of police?

Why would people think that Metafilter routinely deletes posts critical of police? Possibly because it says so on Metafilter. In a thread regarding Facebooks's deletion policies, there was a comment that claimed "Facebook (like MetaFilter) routinely deletes posts criticizing police." [more inside]
posted by layceepee on Jun 28, 2017 - 143 comments

Behind the curtain, please

cortex notes in passing something about the "admin console." Jessamyn drops a dark reference to the "admin-facing flags" interface. Come on MeFi elite admin caste! Let's see screenshots! Feel free to lie if the truth is not interesting.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on May 31, 2007 - 55 comments

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