5 posts tagged with mood.
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There is quite a bit of serious and depressing going on right now: U.S. politics, sexual abuse/assault/harassment in Hollywood, etc. I thought it might be good to have a place to just post happy things. Share something that's made you happy. A photo of a pet. Tell us about a good piece of cake that you just ate. Or maybe you went for a long walk and connected with nature. Whatever it is, just something happy, to remind ourselves that we'll be ok and we'll get through this, whatever that may be. Love to all of you.
posted by Fizz on Nov 10, 2017 - 211 comments

Is MeFi depressing?

I saw this Ask, and it really resonated with me. [more inside]
posted by primethyme on Apr 27, 2016 - 508 comments

Academic schedule and MetaFilter angst/happiness. Is there a chart?

Academic schedule and MetaFilter angst/happiness. Is there a chart? It just seems like one day we're all spousing and hugging and then next day it's a call for flameouts and pitchforks. [more inside]
posted by lilywing13 on Apr 15, 2010 - 81 comments

Funny Hat Day

Some people seem down around here lately. Well, how about a funny hat day? It can really boost morale, I think. A Friday is probably best for this, as momentum will already be building for the weekend.
posted by AgentRocket on Jul 27, 2005 - 58 comments

Seasonal Affective Metafilter Disorder

Seasonal Affective Metafilter Disorder : I noticed it's my "Metafilter Birthday" today, and was reminded of my encroaching Seasonal Affective Mood Disorder - which in the past for me, with the shortening of the days in the Northern Hemisphere, has manifested itself in part through excessive Metafilter posting. Does anyone else notice a SAMD effect ? Or perhaps a corresponding Spring or Summer MetaManiaâ„¢ ?
posted by troutfishing on Sep 16, 2004 - 65 comments

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