4 posts tagged with projects and community.
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Permission to brag

As we all limit human contact to help contain the pandemic, nearly all of us have hobbies and abilities lying fallow or getting very limited use. But, those in this position probably have great past work which will be new to people here and will generate the same sort of delight and interest as much of what's on MeFi. So - what have people done that's great that others can see online? Link and take a bow. [more inside]
posted by sindark on Feb 17, 2021 - 54 comments

COVID-19, Domestic Edition

Lately I've seen many a fine recipe, sewing pattern and/or general quarantine project idea gracing various COVID threads on the blue, green, and grey. I thought it would be nice to have someplace central to store and chat about that sort of thing. So, are you doing something amazing or hilarious or at least vaguely interesting with your home-bound time? Building something new, cooking or baking something awesome (or at least awesomely terrible?) Reading or watching something that makes you happy? Whatever you're doing with yourself to make your lockdown time a little less stressful, share it here.
posted by invincible summer on Apr 6, 2020 - 120 comments

Is the Metafilter writer's group dead?

I guess the Metafilter writer's group is dead? I don't see any updates from the past two months.
posted by empath on Oct 9, 2006 - 66 comments

Looking for an illustrator

MeFi Projects Filter: Would any mefite illustrator like to collaborate in the making of a childrens book or books? I currently write stories 3 or 4 times a week for kids. I'm also working on a program in which school kids write to me and I reply in the form of a "picture book" story. (This is specifically designed for ELL kids.)

I have other resources for illustration, but I would love to give the first shot to fellow mefites.
posted by snsranch on Nov 8, 2005 - 10 comments

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