3 posts tagged with pyramid.
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New post with more info requested

I was intrigued by thirteenkiller's post about the possibility of an impressive ancient pyramid in Bosnia. Now I see the story is getting some traction. I went to the original post hoping to add the link as a comment; but, it said, "This thread has been archived and is closed to new comments."

I don't want to FPP this follow-up. I want to call it to thirteenkiller's attention. I think thirteenkiller has already researched this once and may want to follow up with another really swell post (I sure liked the first one).

How do I do that?
posted by taosbat on May 17, 2006 - 29 comments

Metafilter is not for pyramid scheme

It should be pretty obvious that stuff like this should not fly in the blue. Using this site as a quarry for pyramid schemes is inappropriate and action should be taken accordingly.
posted by baphomet on Jun 26, 2005 - 47 comments

Please delete scammy ipod link

delete the free ipod referral link, please.
posted by andrew cooke on Dec 19, 2004 - 43 comments

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