4 posts tagged with quality and metafilter.
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Cat on a Scanner

Not a call out of anyone specifically, and certainly "be the change you want to see" but the front page today is comprised entirely of one-liners, mostly SYTL. Maybe it's decompression from the August Best Post Contest, but typically MetaFilter is known for it's "essay-like" posts and it feels like reddit today. [more inside]
posted by four panels on Aug 23, 2012 - 105 comments

Alexa statistics

What does this tell you about the quality and appeal of posts on Metafilter over the last few months?

By comparison Monkeyfilter, Memepool, Slashdot.
posted by DirtyCreature on Mar 17, 2005 - 137 comments

I declare jihad.

I declare jihad. There have been 'imminent demise of Metafilter' threads posted with clockwork regularity since about two weeks after Matt started the site, I think, and this is not one of them. But the lengthy MeFi essay I blurted out on my weblog recently has got me riled up, and I think it's time for me, at least to declare myself. [Please join me inside, won't you?]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 12, 2002 - 104 comments

new tagline for Metafilter

I just thought we should have an open thread on Jason Krannke's new tagline for Metafilter: "your source for political news, stories stolen from Slashdot, weblogger gossip, and links to major news stories that everyone already knows about".
So? If MeFi can save me the trouble of visiting Slashdot, Drudge and CNN.com (plus providing comments on the various topics I can steal to sound smarter in RW conversations), I think it provides a very important service. Maybe not the service mathowie originally intended...
posted by wendell on Sep 8, 2000 - 10 comments

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