6 posts tagged with simpsons.
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At least three scenes with Homer.

I am trying to find a post that I could have sworn was posted to AskMetafilter within the last month, but my Googling and frantic searching through threads is not backing me up on that. [more inside]
posted by gursky on Nov 15, 2016 - 4 comments

Does MetaFilter age?

I am attributing this thought to a Simpsons-related thread from October. Does/will MetaFilter age? [more inside]
posted by 0 answers on Nov 17, 2013 - 135 comments

Sidebar post nomination?

Perhaps sidebarable, Bwithh's comment on the Simpsons Banksy thread offers a fascinating look into animation in both Koreas, with several great links on N. Korea's relationship with the industry. [more inside]
posted by disillusioned on Oct 10, 2010 - 104 comments

Oh boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a MeFite!

Today on BoingBoing TV: MeFi's own Greg Nog asks Simpsons director David Silverman: " Does Ralph mean he dreams of being being a literal viking when he sleeps, or does he use "viking" as an absurd way of saying that he excels at the act of sleeping?" [more inside]
posted by arcticwoman on Oct 25, 2007 - 67 comments

Mitheral rules!

Mitheral rules!
posted by ObscureReferenceMan on Jul 21, 2006 - 22 comments

I for one welcome our new _______ overlords

I was wondering if anyone out there could point out the source of the "I for one welcome our new _______ overlords" meme. I've seen it frequently on Metafilter in many different iterations... I Googled it to no avail. Movie, song, novel, event? Thnx!
posted by ao4047 on Dec 18, 2002 - 57 comments

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