4 posts tagged with staff and mefi.
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Welcome Kirkaracha: Our New Web Development Team Member

Hello MetaFilter!

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our team, a hire that has been highly anticipated - Kirkaracha!
[more inside]
posted by loup on Feb 9, 2024 - 60 comments

Sixteen Years

After 16 years of doing a bit of everything under the sun here, I’m stepping away from the day to day of running MetaFilter and moving into the background. Never fear, I’m leaving it in the best of hands and things are looking good for the future. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Mar 4, 2015 - 945 comments

MeFi State of the Update

After a couple months of fundraising and general money belt-tightening and Google up and downing, I wanted to give an update. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Aug 5, 2014 - 110 comments

State of MetaFilter

Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 19, 2014 - 1668 comments

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