4 posts tagged with theory and mefi.
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Worst post ever? Check.

Worst post ever? Single link: Check. Editorializing: Check. Conspiracy Theory: Check. Google-as-evil-censor subtext: check.
posted by tiamat on Mar 11, 2006 - 12 comments

How about less conspiracy posts?

American concentration camps! Rex 84 and the trifecta of evil! How about less conspiracy posts? I'm pretty sure there are more that have already fallen off the front page, but, sheesh.
posted by blacklite on Sep 12, 2005 - 18 comments

consI/Parcy theory

Are we allowing ConspiracyTheoryFilter to stay on the front page now? That's how it strikes me.
posted by brownpau on Aug 16, 2005 - 49 comments

conspiracy + conspiracy = truth

I want to take issue with this post. The seemingly innocuous way greatgefilte couples the public acknowledgement of a conspiracy another, speculative one is a disingenuous way to lend credibility to a (what is in my opinion) a particularly slanderous myth. [more inside]
posted by ori on Apr 5, 2005 - 67 comments

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