Exposure is the only compensation I can offer you September 25, 2001 12:43 PM   Subscribe

As you know, New York City has been in turmoil since September 11. What you don't know is that my site, World New York, has been receiving ten times the Internet traffic as usual.

Instead of feeling like a traffic whore (and instead of posting more bad poetry from grandmothers in Iowa) I'd like to share that bounty with interested writers. Send me an article, a story, a column. It does not have to be about current events. Send me things as often as you like. Perhaps there's something you've written which feel deserves more attention, or that would not be appropriate for whatever media outlet you might currently work for. In any case, if it meets my standards, I'll post it on the site with your byline and contact information.

World New York does not carry advertising, is free to visitors, and therefore has no income. It is just a little project that keeps me mildly entertained. I cannot pay you a dime, but the site receives thousands of visitors a day. The traffic is not huge, but it is decent exposure. Judging by the logs, there are many employees from newspapers and media companies reading the site: that's encouraging, and again, it's exposure. The site has already been linked to by more than 700 other web sites, and mentioned in four traditional news outlets, including the New York Times. Exposure is the only compensation I can offer you.

Grant Barrett
World New York
New York Loves You Back

posted by Mo Nickels to General Weblog-Related at 12:43 PM (5 comments total)

Mo, always sharing the Nickels.
posted by tamim at 5:26 PM on September 25, 2001

Just FYI for those considering submitting, being associated with WNY is a great compliment. Grant's a terrific writer, known for his quality and consistency (makes him sound like a cookie dough, doesn't it?) and if you're not familiar with his site, you'll be doing yourself a favor to try to draw his attention to your work.
posted by anildash at 5:27 PM on September 25, 2001

Grant also knows the weird parts of Manhattan (you know, the ones that don't have subways even within DRIVING distance of them) like the back of his hand, but that's a story for another time.
posted by delfuego at 8:05 PM on September 25, 2001

grant rocks. and world new york has been terrific, especially these past few weeks, but for long before that too...
posted by judith at 10:31 PM on September 25, 2001

Thanks for the nice words, everyone. Your submissions are welcome, as well. I just spoke with the Los Angeles Times today and the site was on the Agence France-Presse wire today, so the traffic's still coming...
posted by Mo Nickels at 3:21 PM on September 26, 2001

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