MetaTalk Comments Bug November 22, 2005 1:27 PM   Subscribe

Bug: Try going to a user's MetaTalk comments page (example).

If you click on the page numbers at the bottom, offsets don't seem to work. Therefore, clicking on page 10 should return comments 451-500, but actually returns comments 1-500. Presumably, if everyone who sees this clicks on page 109, and therefore requests all 5437 comments, the world will explode.
posted by matthewr to Bugs at 1:27 PM (14 comments total)

it's a known bug - was pointed out last just a week or so ago, but i have no idea how you search for it, either.
posted by andrew cooke at 1:31 PM on November 22, 2005

Doesn't happen for MeFi comments, but does for AskMe answers, as far as I can tell.
posted by matthewr at 1:31 PM on November 22, 2005

it's a known bug

Sorry about that, guys.
posted by matthewr at 1:32 PM on November 22, 2005

This has been the case for my AskMe answers for...well, as long as I can remember. Much longer than a few weeks, anyhow.
posted by cribcage at 1:32 PM on November 22, 2005

Yes, it's a months-old bug I'll get to fixing in the next week or so. I'm doing about 20 other small things but I'll definitely rewrite the user history pages soon (and add projects to history as well).
posted by mathowie (staff) at 1:35 PM on November 22, 2005

[redundant expression of thanks for all the work on the site]
posted by cortex at 1:49 PM on November 22, 2005

posted by matthewr at 1:59 PM on November 22, 2005

Hey, I know the "bug = feature" mantra is an old joke around here; but seriously, I think this particullar "bug" is great. If I'm browsing through my old comments, it's because I'm looking for a specific thread; and the quickest means of finding that thread is to hit Command-F and search for a word or phrase. If all my comments (from forever) appear on the same page, I only have to do that once.
posted by cribcage at 3:16 PM on November 22, 2005

For users with comments aplenty (eg #1), surely this cooks the server.
posted by matthewr at 3:34 PM on November 22, 2005

I doubt it, because that was the default until recently.
posted by languagehat at 4:03 PM on November 22, 2005

if everyone who sees this clicks on page 109, and therefore requests all 5437 comments, the world will explode.

Oh bullshit, everyone knows it will cause the universe to collapse on itself.
posted by marxchivist at 4:10 PM on November 22, 2005

Another small thing: if you posted in an AskMe thread that was later disappeared, say one about someone's blind girlfriend's sister's bun in the oven, it still shows up under My Comments.
posted by CunningLinguist at 5:35 PM on November 22, 2005

Ah, that explains why I have 30 more AskMe comments in My Comments than are tallied on my userpage. I was wondering.
posted by languagehat at 6:05 PM on November 22, 2005

I'd like to second cribcage's comment. Matt, if you do "fix" this, any chance you could at least add an "all on one page" link?
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 7:36 AM on November 23, 2005

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