Happy 40th birthday, user #1 (Mathowie) October 10, 2012 3:18 AM   Subscribe

Happy 40th birthday, Matthew. But, what does one get as a 'significant birthday' present for he who separated the light from the darkness, and verily created the blue?

Perhaps, to fill the shelving around his desk inside the MetaFilter HQ island, some interesting taxidermy?

How about an intimate hamster and cockerel, Bambi 2.0, Billy the Squirrel, a prize winning horse, Furboar, or Eightball the Alsation? Or get two for the price of one in the rat, calf, duckling or squirrel departments? Or if his birthday was closer to Easter, easter chicks?

Perhaps AquaMouse, a flying goatfish, the famous fur-bearing trout, a cute animal scene, or the Raven of Probably Not Happiness? Or maybe avoid all the flesh and fur, and just knit something pleasant instead? Or just do what many Americans do and buy some Star Wars products?

Or perhaps something practical, like a nice chair, a fun comb, or someone to watch over you?

Anyway, there's no need to torture oneself over present selection. So perhaps just get something mundane.

Whatever you get have a great day, and pleasant dreams tonite, Matt.
posted by Wordshore to MetaFilter-Related at 3:18 AM (162 comments total) 14 users marked this as a favorite

Happy birthday, mathowie! Many happy returns of the day.
posted by bardophile at 3:27 AM on October 10, 2012

I came here to quip and wish happy birthday, but the picture at the end of the "something mundane" link killed whatever was left of my capacity for merriment and happiness.

Happy birthday, Matt! If you have avoided clicking on that link and thus retain the ability to be happy.
posted by Kattullus at 3:31 AM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]


˙|# 'ʎɐpɟɹɐq ʎddɐɹɔ
posted by Joseph Gurl at 3:34 AM on October 10, 2012

He gets first pick out of the Halloween candy bowl. Problem solved!
posted by Smart Dalek at 3:37 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Whoah... pleasant dreams indeedy! (dibs on the AquaMouse, by the way.)

♥«´¨`•°..HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOSS!..°•´¨`»♥

Thank you for everything, Matt, we're so glad you were born!
posted by taz (staff) at 3:40 AM on October 10, 2012 [10 favorites]

This is how you wish a dear leader Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Matt. Now you're over the hill, how do you plan to let yourself go?
posted by MuffinMan at 3:47 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Day Matt!!! Many more!!
posted by pearlybob at 3:57 AM on October 10, 2012

For the man who has everything, there's always the random, seemingly set off by nothing at all flame out, followed by the grariest of follow up Metas about how the flamer-outer was driven out, until the absolute absurdity of the enflamanatuon comes up, and everyone just slowly backs away!

Or maybe not. Thanks for the site, and your willingness to put up with all of us. We're better off for the work you've put in over the years. Here's hoping you have a fantastic grar-free birthday.
posted by Ghidorah at 4:01 AM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

did someone say 'interesting taxidermy'?
posted by the man of twists and turns at 4:19 AM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

Oh hey, Happy Birthday Matt and thanks for everything!

May you bike tires always be inflated and the seat never so uncomfortable that you walk funny afterwards.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 4:27 AM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

Get him a cat and a new scanner. Many happy returns.
posted by allkindsoftime at 4:43 AM on October 10, 2012 [7 favorites]

Happy birthday Matthew, and thanks for many years of hanging out at your place. As a freeloader at that!
posted by jfuller at 4:54 AM on October 10, 2012

The least somebody could do is give him a pony.
posted by ardgedee at 5:15 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birrthday, Matt!

Languagehat: If you're going to have that full-bore flameout TODAY IS THE DAY!!!

Just be sure to come back tomorrow
posted by double block and bleed at 5:17 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Matt! Can't you're only forty, you always seem more mature than the rest of us.
posted by arcticseal at 5:26 AM on October 10, 2012


I feel so old now.
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies at 5:39 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary.

I for one welcome our 40 year old overlord.
posted by Twain Device at 5:46 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt! Thank you for my marriage and family! Hope you have a lovely day!
posted by onlyconnect at 5:46 AM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

Happy birthday, Matt! Thank you for making this place!
posted by rtha at 5:47 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by gaspode at 5:52 AM on October 10, 2012

HBD Matt!
posted by lampshade at 5:52 AM on October 10, 2012

You're only forty? Dude, you seriously need to get off my lawn.

Happy birthday, Matt. Thank you for what you've created here and, more importantly, thank you for keeping it what it is all these years. There's nothing like it anywhere.
posted by bondcliff at 5:57 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Better Over the hill than under it.
posted by double block and bleed at 6:00 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Matt!!!

You've made our world a better place. Thank you!
posted by philipy at 6:02 AM on October 10, 2012

I came here to quip and wish happy birthday, but I am all out of quips so...
posted by edgeways at 6:07 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Whoo, happy birthday Matt! Thank you.
posted by undue influence at 6:13 AM on October 10, 2012

MuffinMan: "This is how you wish a dear leader Happy Birthday."

No, This is how you wish a dear leader Happy Birthday.
posted by double block and bleed at 6:19 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

happy birthday!
posted by flex at 6:22 AM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

Best $5 spent. Though, to be fair, in euros that was equivalent to a pack of gum at the time. Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by ersatz at 6:30 AM on October 10, 2012

♫ What day is today?
It's mathowie's birthday.
What a day for a birthday,
Let's all have some cake. ♫
posted by audi alteram partem at 6:37 AM on October 10, 2012

posted by Potomac Avenue at 6:41 AM on October 10, 2012

Do you have any words of advice for young people?
posted by evil_esto at 6:43 AM on October 10, 2012 [6 favorites]

Wow - happy birthday!
posted by needlegrrl at 6:46 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy happy b-day, youngster.
posted by The Deej at 6:51 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by xingcat at 6:51 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday! Don't trust anyone over your own age.
posted by shakespeherian at 7:03 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday!
posted by h00py at 7:06 AM on October 10, 2012

С Днем Рождения!
posted by griphus at 7:06 AM on October 10, 2012

You are the man now, dog. Happy birthday.
posted by cortex (staff) at 7:09 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Happy Birthday!
posted by Marie Mon Dieu at 7:22 AM on October 10, 2012

Welcome to your 40s, sir. Happy birthday.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 7:25 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

La bella vita!
posted by francesca too at 7:34 AM on October 10, 2012

on your cellphone
posted by growabrain at 7:35 AM on October 10, 2012 [6 favorites]

Oh, Happy Birthday Matt! And thank you for Metafilter and the hundreds thousands of hours I have spent here.
posted by jokeefe at 7:40 AM on October 10, 2012

Uh, maybe I shouldn't have written this post straight after finishing the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe. So, bearing in mind the first post on MetaFilter from 4,838 days ago, Happy Birthday (2.0) Matt!
posted by Wordshore at 7:40 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Happy happy birthday! I would like my hundreds of hours of potential productivity back now plz.
posted by Phire at 7:48 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

♫...and maaaaaaaaaaaaany moooooooooore!♫
posted by EvaDestruction at 7:55 AM on October 10, 2012

posted by rmd1023 at 7:56 AM on October 10, 2012

*sends secret Libra commication *
posted by The Whelk at 7:57 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Yay! From one 1972 baby to another, Happy birthday, Mathowie! And many more!!!

Phire: " I would like my hundreds of hours of potential productivity back now plz."

We ARE being productive! :D
posted by zarq at 7:58 AM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

Happy Birthday!
posted by cooker girl at 7:58 AM on October 10, 2012

Thanks for the many happy hours you have brought me. And thanks for Metafilter, too!
posted by thelonius at 8:00 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday! Your awesomeness is awesome!
posted by bilabial at 8:00 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, and thanks for making this small, civilized corner of the internet.
posted by easily confused at 8:02 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]


I am wearing a party hat in honor of your birthday.
posted by ocherdraco at 8:07 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Turning 40? Nope, Chuck Testa!
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:08 AM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

Happy Birthday, and welcome to the dark side.
posted by rocket88 at 8:09 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday*, Matt! Thanks for giving us those cats in scanners and letting so many awesome people take it from there!

* video is SFW, lyrics & visible title are not.
posted by batmonkey at 8:15 AM on October 10, 2012

Say, you share your birthday with Russian ice hockey player Alexei Zhitnik! Many happy returns to you both!
posted by Doktor Zed at 8:16 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday!
posted by Happy Dave at 8:27 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday!
posted by The corpse in the library at 8:28 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!
posted by anya32 at 8:32 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Guy! and thank you.
posted by blueberrypicasso at 8:35 AM on October 10, 2012

posted by entropicamericana at 8:48 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]




posted by bakerina at 8:52 AM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

Happy birthday, Matt.

However; taxidermy links: the HELL?!?
posted by Curious Artificer at 9:03 AM on October 10, 2012

This is still my favorite birthday song, Hungarian or otherwise.
posted by Wolfdog at 9:05 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

It's appropriate 'cause those guys are endearingly dorky like Matt.
posted by Wolfdog at 9:06 AM on October 10, 2012

I'm sure those long bike rides will all be down hill and just get easier and easier. Good luck with that. (Said the crotchety old guy realizing he himself was only a few months away from 49, and wished almost every day he was still only 40) Happy Birthday you—you, big, dorky, fit, genius.
posted by Toekneesan at 9:08 AM on October 10, 2012

By the way, the publisher I work for just published a fascinating book about taxidermy, in case you'd rather read about it, than practice or purchase that dark art.
posted by Toekneesan at 9:12 AM on October 10, 2012

1. Paul's Boutique came out in 1989.
2. Kids born in 1995 graduate high school this year.
3. MetaFilter.

Happy birthday, and thanks for a great site!
posted by four panels at 9:15 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!!
posted by luckynerd at 9:16 AM on October 10, 2012

the real mathowie lives like a king in Patagonia
posted by The Whelk at 9:29 AM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

item: "that this whole "Metafilter" thing is nothing more than some kind of elaborate scam."

The long, long, long, long, long, long, long con.
posted by boo_radley at 9:29 AM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

> Languagehat: If you're going to have that full-bore flameout TODAY IS THE DAY!!!


posted by languagehat at 9:34 AM on October 10, 2012 [9 favorites]

Happy Birthday!
posted by marimeko at 9:39 AM on October 10, 2012


Oh, just hand us your password and we'll take care of it. That's the sort of generous community we are.
posted by nebulawindphone at 9:43 AM on October 10, 2012 [4 favorites]

Happy birthday, Matt! And thank you, truly.
posted by scody at 9:46 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!
posted by cashman at 9:49 AM on October 10, 2012

Matt, heartfelt thanks for having made MeFi and all its offspring what it is(they are). Happy Birthday!
posted by theora55 at 9:57 AM on October 10, 2012

Oh man, happy birthday Matt!

And seriously, thanks.
posted by Lutoslawski at 10:04 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Matt, hope you're having a great day with your family.

And thanks for this website and community.
posted by marxchivist at 10:06 AM on October 10, 2012

Matt, this place is a second home to me, and it's because of you that it's not just a website, but an online community.

Just in case any noobs (read: user number lower than mine) are wondering what all the fuss is about, this is my very favorite WTF Matt?! moment.

A close second: sneak attack "flameout" WTF Matt?!.

This is what I imagine Matt's house looks like.

This is his cat.

Happy 40th Birthday, old man. Hope you are out celebrating with your family right now!
posted by misha at 10:12 AM on October 10, 2012

cortex: You are the man now, dog.

I seriously didn't know what YTMND was until I encountered it on the podcast, wherein I briefly mistranscribed it as "Year of the Mountain Now Dog," which I can only assume is what you get when you cross Zen Buddhism with the Chinese calendar.

In that spirit, have a lovely Year of the Mountain Now Dog, mathowie! And may your next decade be ten times as awesome as the previous one!
posted by beryllium at 10:26 AM on October 10, 2012 [5 favorites]

posted by The Whelk at 10:29 AM on October 10, 2012 [6 favorites]

Happy birthday, old thing!
posted by Pallas Athena at 10:32 AM on October 10, 2012

Man, this really makes me feel like Matt is old.

(Happy Birthday and thanks for everything about this place.)
posted by Navelgazer at 10:33 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday! And many happy returns!
posted by Lynsey at 10:38 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Matt. I hope you're enjoying that Early Bird Special Dinner, with many more to come.
posted by essexjan at 10:42 AM on October 10, 2012

posted by Occula at 10:43 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Happy birthday Matt !!!
posted by Fig at 10:44 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Matt!

Have to say though, you don't turn 40 so much as 40 turns on you.

But after Ghidorah, and not to tantalize you unduly: immanentize the enflamoutaton! 40 of the most troublesome burning themselves to a crisp on your cake ought to be enough to bring on the Metafilter of y/our dreams, I imagine.
posted by jamjam at 10:44 AM on October 10, 2012

Hurray! Happy birthday, Matt, and many happy return of the day!
posted by Elsa at 10:48 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Matt!

75 comments in and as of yet no word from the honored.

I really hope he has more fun things on his agenda for today than reading MetaTalk. Like a bike ride or something.
posted by ambrosia at 10:50 AM on October 10, 2012

...something mundane.
transcript of my reaction:
"Why?" (*laughter)...
(*hesitant laughter)
"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"
posted by herbplarfegan at 10:51 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

I still read his user name as "math owie", like he's still suffering from some algebra induced injury or something.
posted by It's Never Lurgi at 11:02 AM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

Happy birthday Matt! I hope you're out doing something awesome today.
posted by Lyn Never at 11:14 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, mathowie!
posted by gauche at 11:14 AM on October 10, 2012

I still read his user name as "math owie", like he's still suffering from some algebra induced injury or something.

Reminded me of this post.

Happy Birthday, Matt!
posted by vacapinta at 11:21 AM on October 10, 2012

Ett jättestort grattis på födelsedagen, Matt! Du leve! Hurra, hurra, hurra, hurra!
posted by soundofsuburbia at 11:24 AM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Happy Birthday to the star of Offroad Biking. Still too young for the red foreign sportscar.
posted by Cranberry at 11:27 AM on October 10, 2012

happy birthday!
posted by brujita at 11:38 AM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 12:23 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday.
posted by Elmore at 12:24 PM on October 10, 2012

Remember when you thought 40 was old?

Happy Birthday!
posted by deborah at 12:30 PM on October 10, 2012

Mum always said, "A place ought to be better after you have passed through it."

So, as you walk down the garden path, pull a weed, toss a pebble off the path, make room for more flowers (or special snowflakes), take a minute to turn over the compost pile...

You've done that. The interwebs are a better place. Happy Birthday, mathowie!

Now, Dance Like No One Is Watching!
posted by shoesfullofdust at 12:36 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 12:37 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, #1! I think we need some kind of internet meme to honor our Dear Leader. Everybody change their Facebook pic to a recumbent bike, or something? C'mon, I know you guys can come up with something better.
posted by Quietgal at 12:40 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, howie. If I believed in astrology, I'd ascribe MateaFilter's awesomeness to its heavy Libran influence. But instead, I'll just complain about how many gifts I owe to people at a time of year I should be getting more myself.
posted by oneswellfoop at 12:45 PM on October 10, 2012

I'm tired of misparsing mathowie as "Math Owie." I'm gonna start misparsing it as "Ma Thowie" instead.

Happy birthday Mom! Many happy returns, Mrs. Thowie!
posted by nebulawindphone at 1:02 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt! Welcome to your 40s - this has been my favorite decade so far.
posted by catlet at 1:05 PM on October 10, 2012

It has been said Life Begins at 40. Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by mlis at 1:09 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt! Thank you for my marriage and family! Hope you have a lovely day!
posted by onlyconnect

Wow! Now that's how you wish someone a milestone birthday... tell them the real world difference their work has made to someone's life.

Happy Birthday #1
posted by infini at 1:18 PM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Huzzah for Matt!
posted by homunculus at 1:39 PM on October 10, 2012

¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday user/1 ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸

-Love user/11216
posted by TangerineGurl at 1:40 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt! There can't be too many people who've given so many thousands of people the many thousands of hours of entertainment, education and practical assistance you have.

And for anyone getting Matt a birthday present, the only word of advice I have is, don't get him a hairless cat.
posted by orange swan at 1:52 PM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

Should I buy another sockpuppet to fund the birthday celebration?
posted by maxwelton at 1:59 PM on October 10, 2012

LobsterMitten: "posted by LobsterMitten (staff) "

It... begins.
posted by boo_radley at 2:02 PM on October 10, 2012 [5 favorites]

Good news via Twitter; young Mathowie appears to be indulging in bike riding of a most excellent nature today.

And for anyone getting Matt a birthday present, the only word of advice I have is, don't get him a hairless cat.

Figured that he may want to build up slowly and gently to (eventually) making things through eccentric Victorian era taxidermy, so am getting him this for which a hairless cat is an obviously undesirable co-acquisition.
posted by Wordshore at 2:03 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Hmm. Maybe that's not the best quotation for birthdays.
posted by brina at 2:05 PM on October 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

40! Thanks for your generosity, Matt.
posted by michaelh at 2:13 PM on October 10, 2012

Still alive? Well, crap. Anyways, happy birthday from your favorite undertaker.
posted by ColdChef at 2:24 PM on October 10, 2012 [9 favorites]

40 is two-thirds of the way to a 404.
posted by oneswellfoop at 2:52 PM on October 10, 2012 [3 favorites]

Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by daisyk at 2:56 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy happy happy! Birthday birthday birthday!
posted by WidgetAlley at 3:19 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt!
Thanks so much for hosting this party!
posted by likeso at 3:44 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, fearless leader!
posted by tommasz at 3:45 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mr. Owie!
posted by trip and a half at 4:05 PM on October 10, 2012

Matthew it's your birthday
Happy birthday Matthew!
posted by cmyk at 5:13 PM on October 10, 2012

Go go go shawty it's your birthday / we gonna party like it's your birthday / we gonna drink Bacardi like it's your birthday

(It's Tuesday, so maybe iced tea instead)

Happy Birthday!
posted by SweetTeaAndABiscuit at 5:34 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Chief. Your kindness and spirit always find ways to shine in this place, and I will always be grateful for what you built. I hope your day and the next year are extra fine!
posted by vers at 6:21 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!
posted by dragonplayer at 6:32 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, #1! #mathowielove 4eva!
posted by beandip at 6:59 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt!
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 8:00 PM on October 10, 2012

Woooo square number birthday!
posted by smirkette at 8:22 PM on October 10, 2012

A toast to you! Happy Birthday!
posted by peagood at 8:28 PM on October 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

Happy birthday, mathowie - and many thanks for mefi!
posted by madamjujujive at 9:18 PM on October 10, 2012

Arrgh, late again. Hope you had a happy birthday and many more!
posted by a humble nudibranch at 10:22 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday and thanks for this place!
posted by donovan at 10:47 PM on October 10, 2012

happy birthday, birthday twin!
posted by palomar at 10:51 PM on October 10, 2012

p.s. sometime we should throw a joint birthday party with david lee roth. just sayin'.
posted by palomar at 10:51 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday, mathowie! Thank you again for creating this place for us, and for your generosity overall.
posted by rangefinder 1.4 at 11:14 PM on October 10, 2012

Happy birthday Matt!
posted by IndigoRain at 3:43 AM on October 11, 2012

Hey, Matt! It's your birthday!
posted by FirstMateKate at 8:50 AM on October 11, 2012

Belated congratulations, Matt, and many happy returns. I got myself a staff badge to celebrate!
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane (staff) at 9:17 AM on October 11, 2012

That's like a new haircut, it's going to take a while to get used to seeing you like that.
posted by arcticseal at 9:22 AM on October 11, 2012

Thanks all! I read this thread early in the morning, then spent the day running around playing "treat yo self" and forgot to pop in last night. Thanks for the birthday wishes, I was worried about turning 40 but it really is no big deal.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 11:20 AM on October 11, 2012 [6 favorites]

Happy Birthday!
posted by Renoroc at 12:07 PM on October 11, 2012

I was worried about turning 40 but it really is no big deal.

My nephew recently turned 5, and I asked him if anything was different now. He considered and said: Being five feels the same, but I got to raise my bike seat.
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 12:20 PM on October 11, 2012 [6 favorites]

40? Kids today huh?

Sending Birthday Wishes Your Way, Hope you have (had) a special Day!

(Come on Hallmark, gis a job!)
posted by marienbad at 12:32 PM on October 11, 2012

Welcome to the forties, Mr. MetaFilter! I think you will like it. Here, have some fiber.
posted by not_on_display at 1:00 PM on October 11, 2012 [1 favorite]

I'd like to give him a banjo.

that sounds dirty.
posted by Lou Stuells at 9:38 PM on October 11, 2012

Happy birthday, Matt.

Damn, Metafilter has been around a long time. There is no way to calculate just how much I have gotten out of this site--is a buttload a proper unit of measure? Thank you.
posted by LarryC at 10:52 PM on October 11, 2012

Happy post-birthday!
posted by klausness at 4:04 AM on October 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Matt!
posted by adrianhon at 7:47 AM on October 12, 2012

As I've said for more years than I really like to remember: Happy birthday, Mr. Owie.
posted by Malor at 8:40 AM on October 12, 2012

My nephew recently turned 5, and I asked him if anything was different now. He considered and said: Being five feels the same, but I got to raise my bike seat.

Yes, the only thing that changes on a birthday itself is people's perceptions, maybe. Now you're a five year old to them, or a fortysomething, or whatever.

Nothing much changed on the day I turned 40, but I wish I could get back the knees I used to have a few years ago.

Take care of them knees, Matt!
posted by philipy at 9:31 AM on October 12, 2012

Perhaps, to fill the shelving around his desk inside the MetaFilter HQ island, some interesting taxidermy?

Taxidermy and the Culture of Longing
Poliquin makes space for the lurid humor and inherent surreality of the dead, the stuffed, and the posed, including as the book’s first figure a kitschy photograph of one of the polar bears dancing through a doorway as he offers a basket of light-up plastic tulips in his inanimate hands. One story examines the role of anatomical expertise in taxidermy by comparing two ocelots, dainty jungle cats from Central and South America, mounted by different taxidermists: one looks perfectly lifelike, while the other grimaces atop triply long legs, a hilarious attempt by a man who received only a skin and some teeth as his atlas.
posted by the man of twists and turns at 6:44 AM on October 13, 2012

Welcome to the land of decrepitude!
posted by jason's_planet at 5:56 PM on October 15, 2012

Happy, belated birthday Matt!
posted by Skygazer at 7:39 AM on October 27, 2012

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