weirdness February 18, 2001 12:34 AM   Subscribe

Wierdness. I'm logged in and all, but comments are always staying "new." I've tried logging in, then out, then back in again, trying refreshing the home page, closing broswer, nothing. My cookie settings are all on "accept." I'll read a discussion, go back to the home page, and all the topics still stay the same number of "new" comments. Anyone else having this problem? I'm using IE 5.0, Win98.
posted by gramcracker to Bugs at 12:34 AM (1 comment total)

Try sorting by Date on the top page.
posted by gluechunk at 3:31 PM on February 18, 2001

« Older Like the new comments, don't like the >>   |   Sessioning should be fixed now, I think. Newer »

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