Belgian gifts?
April 23, 2004 12:27 PM   Subscribe

My Boss's husband is going to Belgium for work on short notice. She can't go and wants a really good gift. What should he buy?
posted by jmgorman to Shopping (13 answers total)
Crystal? The catalogue has plenty of jewelery.
posted by carter at 12:40 PM on April 23, 2004

Much, much chocolate.
posted by signal at 12:47 PM on April 23, 2004

Tell him to look for "Corne Port Royal" chocolate. My coworker came back from B yesterday and brought some in. I had a piece this morning and I'm still salivating.
(Licks drool from keyboard)
posted by grateful at 12:52 PM on April 23, 2004

There's a particularly popular chocolate with an egg liqueur center, very strong, very tasty, called an avocat. But yes, the answer is chcoolate.
posted by whatzit at 12:53 PM on April 23, 2004

chocolate, or designer clothes from Antwerp (if she trusts him on size, and taste)
posted by amberglow at 1:01 PM on April 23, 2004

posted by turbodog at 1:28 PM on April 23, 2004

I know that chocolate is the easy answer, but there were these little tiramisu hand-crafted chocolates that literally made a friend and I groan on the street as we ate them. We had to go back for another box before we left the country. Talk about a Meg Ryan moment!

Lace is another popular choice - a high-quality, handcrafted (even antique!) tablecloth or runner is easy to pack and can eventually become a family heirloom.
posted by fionab at 1:39 PM on April 23, 2004

I second amberglow- try Walter (Van Beirendonck), Het Modepaleis (Dries Van Noten) in Antwerp. In Brussels Wittamer is very good for chocolate.
posted by Bromley at 1:46 PM on April 23, 2004 [1 favorite]

Wittamer is wonderful--and get some speculoos there to take home too (out-of-this-world cookies). You might also be able to find something at the flea market in Brussels on Sunday (near Wittamer). I got some wonderful glass slides of someone's trip to Venice in the teens, for 10 bucks.
posted by amberglow at 3:44 PM on April 23, 2004

I third Wittamer, I would have said earlier but couldn't remember the name. Best chocolate ever, not of course desperately cheap, but if she's ungrateful then divorce her.
posted by biffa at 3:49 PM on April 23, 2004

Leonidas chocolates.
And for you (us) Atkins freaks, they make to-die-for sugar free assortments. (I'm relying on a source in Belgium to send them to me, but if anyone can find a way to order SF Leonidas online, let me know)
posted by CunningLinguist at 6:10 PM on April 23, 2004

Opposite Wittamer, you will find Marcolini: a former student of Wittamer and one of the only chocolatiers who still make their own covering chocolate (others buy it from ValRhona (Fr.) or Jacobs Suchard (Sw.)).

Unfortunately, I doubt that you can bring chocolate into the US.

Val St. Lambert crystal is a good choice, but what about a hand made Delvaux handbag? Definitely not cheap, but definitely exclusive. They seem to have a website ( but it's not working at the moment. And tell her husband to eat french fries on the Place Jourdan ('Chez Antoine'). Best in the world.
posted by NekulturnY at 5:59 AM on April 24, 2004

I brought chocolate back, wrapped, in Nov.03. No problem at was in my carry-on, and i had the receipt just in case. Fresh is best, but 2-day-old Belgian chocolate in a wrapped box is still delish.
posted by amberglow at 7:58 AM on April 24, 2004

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