An actual porn site; found July 29, 2001 10:50 PM   Subscribe

Browsing the recently updated list of sites on Blogger, as I occasionally do, I noticed this site on the list. I was expecting a girl with a sarcastic take on life, or a similar cliché; instead, I got an actual porn site. (With plenty of html and blogger tag errors.) Is this simply the natural progression of things, or something dastardly and the... erm... artificial progression of things?
posted by moz to General Weblog-Related at 10:50 PM (4 comments total)

porn itself doesn't bother me (though "illegal facials" doesn't sound very appealing to me); this isn't a moralistic problem with porn per se. rather, i wonder if Evan is ok with this. never mind the fact that i think that weblogs would be rather tedious to use just for posting links to pictures or something.
posted by moz at 10:57 PM on July 29, 2001

I think they know. Meg had it on either blogger or at Megnut about some porn site also being a user.
posted by tamim at 12:42 AM on July 30, 2001

We used to remove them from the Recently Update list though, so unsuspecting users wouldn't pull up porn by accident. I imagine that's no longer happening since there are so many more sites and so many less employees.
posted by megnut at 4:48 PM on July 30, 2001

They forgot to link back to Blogger.
posted by timothompson at 5:02 PM on July 30, 2001

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