8 posts tagged with Doublepost and meta.
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Stop the Torture!

1, 2, 3. How many consecutive Abu Ghraib posts will it take to fill the entire front page? [guesses inside]
posted by eyeballkid on May 11, 2004 - 57 comments

Calling Out Doubleposts





read the instructions!
posted by dash_slot- on Feb 4, 2003 - 64 comments

Duplicate search issues with x.com vs. www.x.com

This is a double-post. Presumably the author wasn't told because he used "http://idea-a-day.com" while the first post used "http://www.idea-a-day.com". Perhaps a little bit of code could be implemented to solve this problem?
posted by Pretty_Generic on Dec 15, 2002 - 30 comments

MeTa links on user.mefi/[number] but not username.mefi/[name]

Minor detail: going to user.mefi/[number] you get links to a user's MeTa threads and comments - very useful - but going to username.mefi/[name] you don't.
posted by rory on Nov 1, 2001 - 3 comments

How Can We Stop Doubleposts?

Wow. Three double-posts in a row. Nothing new in and of itself, but this makes me wonder if MetaFilter could implement a FilePile type icon based system for marking double posts. (Inside: I will try and explain myself)
posted by thewittyname on Oct 12, 2001 - 14 comments

Why Was Cut Off My Feet Removed?

The thread about Cut Off My Feet was removed. What the reasoning behind its being pulled?

(I thought the was rather freakish and sick at first, but then I realized as I looked around the site that the man is cutting off his feet because his insurance comany won't pay for an amputation and new prosthetics. Perhaps poor marketing and communication of his message, but a powerful one, still.)
posted by jennak on Aug 28, 2001 - 1 comment

Why Was My X10 Post Removed?

I just submitted a link to X10 (spycam company)'s website where you can click a link that will disable their popups. I believe this link has been killed - first I thought it was just a browser error, but this appears to not be the case.

Just out of curiosioty, what's the reason that this link has been killed? AFAIK, there's no child pornography or other vile content linked to from the X10 pop-up opt-out site, and this might be something that other MeFi readers would be ecstatic to learn about.

..? atfrost
posted by atfrost on Jul 13, 2001 - 3 comments


Were the end of this thread a football match, yellow cards woudl be shown. Were it an ice hockey game, there'd be penalties. Within MetaFilter, it's really not on.
posted by holgate on Jun 22, 2001 - 4 comments

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