28 posts tagged with Etiquette and guidelines.
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This is not what AskMe is for.

Can we simply answer the question, rather than snarking or preaching? Thanks!
posted by lonefrontranger on Feb 24, 2008 - 69 comments

Commercial Link in FPP?

I'm putting together a FPP about a certain inimitable cartoonist. I've found a place that has a lot of said cartoonist's strips available to view online. Great! But I'm concerned about linking to it because it's a commercial site. Pros: It's the most extensive collection of this artist's work online as far as I can tell. Cons: They're selling something. I'd like to include the page in my FPP but I'm not sure if it would be appropriate.
posted by GalaxieFiveHundred on Jan 24, 2007 - 55 comments

Bad Question for AskMe

"There's no way random strangers can help you with this." Strongly agreed. This type of question does not belong on ask metafilter. Too many variables and no detail whatsoever.
posted by vacapinta on Jan 22, 2007 - 124 comments

AskMe Etiquette

AskMe etiquette: is it OK to use AskMe answers as a lead-in for business? Someone close to me is a professional career counsellor/resume writer & I've thought of recommending they join MeFi specifically so they can join in answering job-related questions, with a thought to promoting their own services if people want more in-depth assistance. I'm absolutely NOT talking about a cookie-cutter spamish approach that purely takes advantage of the community while giving nothing in return, but real answers that help people out with an understated offer to provide something more substantial at a price. I see a lot of job- & career-related posts to AskMe & I see it as a good fit, but I'll only suggest it to them if I get a thumbs up from the hive.
posted by scalefree on Jan 12, 2007 - 43 comments

Read Before Answering!

Is it really that hard for people to thoroughly read an AskMe question before answering? It seems increasingly more common to have mutliple answers to a question that duplicate material already mentioned in the question or answers that express concern for an aspect of the question the original poster already explicitly addressed. To get a sense of what I am talking about, see the first 6 or so answers here.
posted by Falconetti on Oct 5, 2006 - 30 comments

AskMe Guidelines

After seeing posts like little Miss Professor's object de amour, I don't think AskMeFi should be closed to scorn. Many people that ask questions are only looking for approval, not answers.
posted by matty on Sep 17, 2006 - 53 comments

YouTube Etiquette

Why the need to type (YouTube) next to the link in a post that goes to YouTube? I don't care if your post links to YouTube, and since you posted it, neither should you. Following that logic, wouldn't we need to put (Txt File) next to links that go to pages of text, for example? YouTube seems to be a fully accepted internet format and as such does it need special deliniation? (say, unlike 'Flash")
posted by BrodieShadeTree on Aug 5, 2006 - 70 comments

Re-Post with Pictures?

I'm somewhat new to Ask MetaFilter, is it ok (scratch that), is it proper to re-post or a make a new post now that pictures are supplied? A few weeks ago I posted a question about the value of a Coke bottle with pork rib bones inside. At the time I had no pictures to go along with the original post, but a few days later I was able to post some, by that time the post was history - no response.

Thank you for your consideration.
posted by ok on Jul 16, 2006 - 30 comments

Music Guidelines

Question regarding the new Music section: Current guidelines run along the lines of "Music you have written and/or recorded". I have an album which I helped produce, but did not write/record. I was very much involved in the creation of this album and would like to post an example or two. [MI]
posted by edgeways on Jul 5, 2006 - 10 comments

YouTube Guidelines

Could we get a moratorium on YouTube links?
posted by The Jesse Helms on Jun 25, 2006 - 114 comments

Askme etiquette on using first line of question as title

I've noticed that when posting questions to AskMeFi people will often just copy verbatim the first sentence of their question text into the title field.
posted by Rhomboid on Mar 13, 2006 - 20 comments

Deleted AskMe

I'm pissed and slightly baffled. My first post to Ask MeFi was deleted. Apparently I should have posted it here in MetaTalk instead? No one has bothered to explain why, but I'm assuming it's because it was a question about MeFi. (Why do I keep having to log in every time I return to MeFi on my iBook, but not on my PC?)

Well, excuu-uuse me!

I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
posted by blogrrrl on Jan 19, 2006 - 327 comments

Is This a Self-Link?

I am thinking of posting this to metafilter. It's my brother's warblog.


I wasn't involved in the creation of this site (other than installing his blog software), but he is my brother. His deployment began today, and he started blogging.... So I thought "hey, a chance for people to start following from day 1, that's the best of the web, right?" Anyone have any thoughts?
posted by bugmuncher on Jun 7, 2005 - 39 comments

Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe

Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
posted by Plutor on May 27, 2005 - 25 comments

Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts?

Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts (FPPs?)? I'm exercising restraint - don't want to end up on Noobs Gone Wild. Looser in the green than the blue?
posted by hellbient on Feb 8, 2005 - 20 comments

Bad Grammar

Just let me know when your in town

Because your playing in the playground of the internets

Dude your going WAY out of your way to insult me personally

So I think your going over the top here

Jonmc your joking, right?

only you can prevent "your" abuse. for fuck's sake, please. [mo' inside]
posted by Hat Maui on Jan 26, 2005 - 81 comments

AnonyMe Guidelines

AnonyMe is up. Posts ensue! Yay! A pony! I personally think the Paxil query is exactly what AnonyMe should be for, and the good-lookin' cheaters question would have been better asked in the light of disclosure. What do you think? What's a good reason for anoymous posting, and what's a bad one? Let the guidelines scrimmage begin!

(Thanks Matt and thanks Seanyboy!)
posted by mwhybark on Oct 12, 2004 - 35 comments

Watching Threads

How much flak will I catch if I start using "." to mark threads that I want to track on my "My Comments" page? I ask because there are several interesting threads that I want to monitor but in which I don't necessarily wish to post a message.
posted by five fresh fish on Aug 11, 2004 - 35 comments

More Inside

[more inside] [mi], and all the variations thereof: is this not superfluous? If further initial content is needed from the poster (in order to avoid a long FPP), isn't simply adding the first comment sufficient? Looks like about 75% of posts in the green have that final embellishment.

There was a post in MeTa about dropping the [mi] habit I think within the last year, but over 2,000 results showed up when I searched. Stav possibly posted it?
posted by yoga on May 21, 2004 - 44 comments

MeFi Lexicon?

I've been a MeFite for about a year now. Occasionally someone makes a post beginning with "On preview:". I still have no idea what this means. Anybody?

Which leads me to: How about adding a MeFi lexicon?

posted by ZenMasterThis on Oct 30, 2003 - 33 comments

Etiquette: Linking to fragile sites

is, of course, notorious for falling to pieces if more than three people click on one of its sites (though anastasiav's secondary links more than make up for her first). It's happened to everyone, so I wonder whether more experienced posters have untold ways of guessing what sort of traffic a posted website will bear? Are there any ways to avoid the "MetaFiltered" meltdown? Are there any steps posters can take to preempt the predictable outcome, besides including the (unsatisfactory) Google cache? Can the content be saved in another way, in order to answer users' queries?

In short, what is the best policy for fragile links, assuming they're worth posting anyway?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Oct 7, 2003 - 15 comments

Symbol Etiquette

Kettleblack's got an annoying habit of using "o<" in almost all of his posts, but I can get over that. However, his /. stylings in his recent post and comment are really grating.
posted by Irontom on Jan 8, 2003 - 66 comments

Posted old material - is this OK?

After I posted this link, I noticed it was a year old. It's not a repost, but is this bad form?
posted by monkeymike on Oct 2, 2002 - 3 comments

NYT Guidelines

If you're posting an NYTimes link, can you please try to follow this guideline:

Another tough day for Wall Street (auto). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

I put the HTML code on the inside.
posted by geoff. on Jul 10, 2002 - 16 comments

Bold Tag Etiquette

Overusing the bold tag. As the number of front page posts have grown, some posters have felt the need to yell to be heard. I think this is a troubling trend, and I'd like it to stop. What is the community consensus?
posted by gd779 on Mar 26, 2002 - 19 comments

Double-post Guidelines

So what exactly constitutes a double post? For example, this link on the front page regarding the ATHEIST plates was called a double post. On the other hand, this post regarding the Yates trial was not. I rarely monitor old threads, even if they are only a few days old. What is enough of an update to constitute a link worthy of an additional front page post?
posted by monju_bosatsu on Mar 15, 2002 - 3 comments

Are Links Required?

Are front page postings forbidden without a link, no matter the postings content?
posted by clavdivs on Oct 25, 2001 - 49 comments

Nice way of handling a newbie.

A pat on the back, guys. Some positive feedback for once: veteran MeFites gently pointing out guidelines to a newby.

"Welcome...anyway!" Very classy.
posted by jennak on Sep 29, 2001 - 6 comments

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