10 posts tagged with Etiquette and questions.
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"Speaking of Personal Experience" isn't a citation.

Saying "I have personal experience in this" doesn't invalidate or even contradict information given in ask. [more inside]
posted by xingcat on Sep 11, 2012 - 35 comments

You have many questions, Mr. Sparkle.

I'm a prolific AskMe user, but I think I'm doing it wrong. [more inside]
posted by Nomyte on Apr 13, 2012 - 70 comments

AskMe etiquette - What are the norms about showing appreciation of people for answering your questions?

AskMe etiquette - What are the norms about letting people who answer your question know that you are reading and appreciating their responses? [more inside]
posted by philipy on Jan 15, 2011 - 29 comments

What is the accepted etiquette for asking multi-part questions to AskMe?

I'm pretty sure that this has been asked before, but I can't find the post. So, what is the accepted etiquette for asking multi-part questions to AskMe? [more inside]
posted by jonesor on Dec 24, 2009 - 14 comments

Help me give more helpful answers on AskMefi

How can I answer Mefi questions more helpfully? [more inside]
posted by giggleknickers on Feb 3, 2009 - 150 comments

First They Came for the AskMe Questions About Rectal Porn...

People who choose to complain about a question instead of trying to answer it are bad enough as is, but it was so excessive for this question about porn that the question itself got deleted and I think that's really inappropriate. [more inside]
posted by davidstandaford on Jan 13, 2009 - 244 comments

Everything here is chatty

The question on the page is not always the question that is really being asked. [more inside]
posted by troybob on Jul 3, 2008 - 47 comments

Is that +1 geeky or -1 geeky?

People leave comments such as "+1 funny" or "-1 section". Given that this ranking system doesn't exist on MeFi, is it a wank, showing how l33t they are, and familiar with geeky norms at other sites like /. and k5? Or is it an acceptable shorthand for "I like this" or "I think this is dumb"?
posted by wilful on Nov 2, 2005 - 103 comments

Ask MetaFilter etiquette - timeframe of questions

Ask MetaFilter etiquette: I've got a ton of built-up questions and only found MeFi a couple months ago. Is it ok to post weekly (as often as I'm technically allowed), or should I give the space/attention to others with perhaps more immediately vital questions?
posted by Kickstart70 on Aug 10, 2005 - 27 comments

You don't have a 'right' to post anywhere

Sigh. . . [+]
posted by Quartermass on Dec 15, 2004 - 51 comments

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